I will always love you... SaeyoungxReader (Angst)

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How could this happen. You two were happy. You two were living together. He did everything he could to protect you. Why... He thought you were happy. But in reality you were dying inside...

You were sitting in Saeyoung and yours shared room. You were sobbing as Saeyoung was out buying groceries. You were finally at your breaking point. You couldnt stand the horrible slurs that were being thrown at you. Your insomnia would never let you get a blink of sleep. Your anxiety and depression kept you from doing the things that made you happy. No matter what Saeyoung told you, nothing broke through that wall of insecurities.

You stood up running into your bathroom. You stared at yourself in the mirror sobbing. You screamed at yourself and slammed a lamp into the mirror. You grabbed a giant shard of glass gliding it against your pale and pure arm. Blood started to pour from our arm and you sob cutting up your arm, stomach, and legs. You carved in horrible slurrs into your skin. You grabbed your bottle of insomnia medication and downed the bottle with the water from the sink. You started to choke and you collapsed. The last thing you saw was your red headed husband screaming and you and hugging you sobbing.

Seayoung was sitting in a couch at Jumins penthouse. It has been three weeks since your death. He looked horrible. He would sleep,nor wold he eat. Everyone from the RFA was visiting and hanging out at Jumins house. Jumin ended up putting Elizabeth in a different room for Zens sake so he would be be sneezing the entire time. He sat silently in his seat as Yoosung and V hugged him. Jumin and Jaehee sat accross from Seayoung and Zen was standing behind him. Everyone was a wreck. No one knew why you didnt this. You hid everything so flawlessly.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Sir, a woman saying she was (y/n)s best friend is here. She says she has something to give to Seven." The body guard outside the door informed Jumin. Everyone looked at eachother shocked. "Let her in." was all Jumin said. Soon your best friend walked though the door. Tears streamed down her face. "H-hello... Y-you all must have been (y/n)'s RFA memebers... I'm (f/n).... I-I found a note (y/n)wrote for you all.... Don't worry... I only read the part of thenote that was left for me..." She handed the note to Jumin and walked out of the room. Everyone could hear her sobs as she walked out. Jumin unfolded the note. "Seven... Should i just read everything out loud..?" Jumin asked as he looked at Jumin. All he did was nod, tears streamed down his face. Jumin began reading.

"Hello... First things first... I want to say I'm sorry. This must have come as a shock to you all... You might be asking '(y/n) why? You were so happy..' the thing is, is that I wasn't happy. I was dying inside... Yet i hid it from you all because I knew I would bother you all."

Jeahee hiccuped as tears streamed down her face. Zen walked over to her and hugged her and tears fell from his eyes. "To respect (f/n) I'm going to skip her part in the note. She is the first one listed on here..."

"Now for Yoosung... You are amazing and smart and I know you will do amazing things when you graduate college. You have aheart of gold... Dont let anyone tell you that you are weak or anything becuase you are amazing. Though how about taking a break form LOLOL every once in a while....

Jaehee.... You are my best friend besides (f/n)... Dont over work yourself. You deserve a normal life like any other person.. You need to make sure you eat three meals a day.. For me... Dont rush everyting... Do what makes you happy as well... Don't force youself to do something at doesn't make you happy...

Jumin... Give Jaehee a break every once in a while. You have to admit she is your best employee. She deserves a holiday every once in a while for all the work all she does... Jumin don't hide your emotions all the time... Its not healthy and yeah it might be hard but... You can express yourself with the RFA... Everyone cares for you even if it doesn't seem like it at times.... Take care of Elizabeth the 3rd and tell her goodbye for me...

Zen... Lighten up on Jumin every once in a while... You two shouldnt be fighting this much.... Don't judge him to harshly.... I think he is certainly trying his best. Don't practice too hard we would want you getting hurt now would we? Make sure you eat properly and get enough sleep to keep your beautiful face from getting acne or wrinkled...

  V... Don't blame everything on yourself.... You're not always at fault.... You deserve to be happy.... so please don't blame everything on yourself... you should also continue taking your beautiful pictures... (in this V never went blind hahaha.... please don't get mad) you have an amazing talent and I'm sure you will be very famous one day...

  Lastly.... Saeyoung..... I love you so much... nothing made me happier than just sitting next to you.... when you walked into a room, you wouldn't even have to say anything... the room would just automatically get brighter.... you are the most amazing husband in the entire world.... I would've been gone a long time ago if I hadn't met you.... but still everything got to me and I apologize severely for ripping our love apart.... I know you will get over this.... you can over come this and be happy again, I know you can...

  I love you all so much... The RFA was the best thing to ever happen to me... I hope none of you forget me but maybe it will be best if you did.... I love you guys... so much... and nothing will ever change that..."

  Everyone sat there in disbelief and tears streamed down their faces... Saeyoung sobbed into V's shoulder. Jumin put the note down and put his head in his hands finally letting out audible sobs.... "I can't believe she's gone....." Zen hiccuped out. Everyone just sat not saying anything else...

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