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She didn't say much while she was with them at the table. She was still an introvert, despite her anger episodes. She was transfixed at the sight of them. The way they were able to hold long conversations, and the unending laughter whenever a memory was brought up. Things Maine hasn't experienced for a very long time.

Her mother was the glue that bonded them all together. Whenever she walks into a room, she brings forth an unexplainable light, she was a flawless example of an ilaw ng tahanan. The house was a very bright and loud place, always filled with gasps, clapping and laughter as they share each other how their days went. They never got tired of each other's company. There was even one time when they were all lying down in her mother and father's bed, just staring into the ceiling, talking about random things. They all fell asleep in each others' arms, waking up to pleasant tickles from her mother and father.

However, that light that emanated around the house was soon gone. The house became dark. Sure, there were specks of light that appeared once or twice, as her father "tried" his best to keep what they had, but it was never enough to replace the moments of when her mother was still there. It left a place of booming silence, as the glue that used to bind them finally dissipated. Too soon, Mom, way too soon.

"Ms. Mendoza?" her reminiscing was interrupted by Richard. She then only realised that they were all just staring at her with a troubled expression.

"How long was I out?" she asks Richard, still not moving on her seat.

"Not long, I don't think. We only just noticed na hindi ka na nagre-respond."

Maine suddenly feels a tug on her shirt's sleeve. It was from little Rosie, who was seated beside her, trying to get her attention.

"Ms. Maine?" Rosie says as she hands her a flower that was originally on a vase, set as decoration for the table.

"Call me Ate Maine, ok?"

Rosie gives her a nod.

"Ay, that reminds me. Ano nga ulit ang pangalan mo?"

"I'm Rotie!" she giddily says as if it was the first  time someone has ever asked for her name.

"Rotie? Bakit Rotie?"

"Hindi po Rotie. Rotie," the little kid says emphasizing the "t" the second time she attempted to say her name.

"Pasensya ka na diyan Ate Maine, kulang pa sa 's' and batang 'yan," Richard's brother, Roland, announces from the other side of the table.

"Hoy, 'wag kang maki-Ate. Kala mo binigyan ka ng permission," Richard says as he throws a piece of crumpled up tissue at him.

They all laughed, and all Maine could do was savor this sweet sound that comes from a content, and genuinely happy family. At least here, I can actually feel the love.

"Kuya, ang tama mo talaga!"

"Oo, Rosie, tama talaga ako. Wala ka talagang 's'!"

Their laughter once again boomed, and Maine couldn't help but smile. Something she hasn't done sincerely in a long while. She sees Rosie crossing her arms, pouting at the teasing that she was getting from everyone. Maine bent down to Rosie's ear and whispered to her, covering their "secret" conversation with one hand so that only they can know what's going on.


Rosie and Maine were inseparable after that. They decided to spend some time at the beach, with the two, making sand castles and splashing water at each other - sometimes at the same time. Richard sat on one of the benches so that he'll be able to keep watch on both of them. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Aside from the revelation he got the other day, now he sees the connection between Rosie and Maine. A connection that can only be seen between two people who have lost their mother. He couldn't help but marvel at the sight of them. They complimented each other so much. Maine, having such a heavy heart with the loss of her Mom, and Rosie, being as carefree as ever with her innocence over her Mama's death.

"Anak, baka matunaw," says his father, distracting his thoughts.

"Pa naman."

"Eh kung makatingin ka naman kasi."

"Siguro ganiyan din ang itsura kung andito pa si Mama."

His father looked at him, and they both could see that their eyes were tearing up.

"Anak, 'wag kang ganiyan. Marupok ako."

They both laugh at each other, alerting Maine and Rosie.

"Bakit tawa tila ta atin?"

"Hm, hindi ko alam."

To Maine's surprise, Rosie started to get up and run towards her father and Kuya. Once she was in front of them, she placed both her hands on her hips.

"Bakit kayo tawa ta amin?" she exclaims, obviously annoyed.

Richard and his father continued to laugh, while Maine starts to join in.


The resort they were in had a nightly bonfire set up. They all decided to attend that night. They sat on the logs that were placed around the fire. The resort also provided marshmallows for them to toast. Rosie also decided that she wanted to sit with Maine.

"Baby girl, dito ka muna."

Maine turns to Richard's direction and they make eye contact. Maine was about to stand up - she was already off the seat - when Rosie stood up and ran to her Kuya.

Bakit kasi baby girl pa ang tawag.

Maine still couldn't forget what happened yesterday. Their little chase, their unending laughter, and the way that Richard pulled her closer to him. She looks over to him again and somehow, everything around her became inaudible. It was as if everything was in slow motion, as she sees Richard laughing and making funny faces at Rosie. His dimples deepening even more. It was such a beautiful sight, she thought.

She only just realised that this was the first time she saw him out of his suit. It was as if taking off his suit came with taking off his uptight manner. Rosie also probably had a hand in this as he became such a child like being. She liked this kind of Richard, not the Richard who was always so serious. O, how she can reassure that this is the true him. 

Richard turns his head towards Maine and sees that Maine's hand was placed on her chin, with her elbow resting on her knee. Richard turns his head sideways to see if he was going to get any reaction from her. Nope. Nothing.

He stands up and goes over to her. He bends down and snaps his fingers in front of her face.

"Ms. Mendoza, are you ok?"

"Haaay, Mr. Faulkerson," she replies dreamily.

Maine sees that everyone was staring at her. She started to feel her cheeks warm up.

"Grabe, ang init. 'Di po ba? Masyado po yata akong malapit sa apoy," she asks, fanning herself.

All of them tried to suppress their laughter.

A/N: I know, I know, I said Richard was gonna tell more about himself in this chapter, but I decided to do that in the next update. And to get that next update - of Maine and Richard strolling around the beach - let's all aim for 150 votes (I still can't believe that we've surpassed the 100 vote mark, THANK YOU!)

Also, just a heads up, I changed the age of Richard (from 16 to 20) when his mother died. Had to adjust it due to Rosie's age (she's 5)!

From A DistanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon