Chapter eight

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Louise pulled into her driveway and led everyone inside, "welcome to my home new one!" She said to Dan, "there's so much floral." He replied while looking around.

Her house had paintings of flowers all over the walls, the wallpaper had tiny little flowers on it, the welcome mat was a big flower, they had flower windchimes- it was intense.

"I refuse to accept that it's not spring or summer all the time, so my family allowed me to put up a few things to make it more lively." Louise said back with a smile, "a few?" He said in an astonished tone, she just nodded and walked into the living room.

They all squished onto her couch and talked about random things while they put on a movie and tried to do homework, "a housefly hums in the key of F" Phil said out of seemingly nowhere, "... why do you know that Phil?" Dan asked him, "I just do, and now you do too!" He replied as he went back to his paper, Dan just sat there questioning him and why he knows all these random facts about the weirdest things.

After doing a bit of studying-but-not-really they decided to play Mario Kart. Dan being Dan won every round, Pj was always second and everyone else was randomized depending on the level, "Dan, what the actual cheating bullshit is this?" Pj asked him sceptically, "well you see Pj, I never had friends to play with so I spend most of my time alone, it's quite sad." Dan said back as he looked over at him, "well now you've got friends so stop being so good at games, thanks." Then they all went back to playing with casual bants.

Dan got up to use the restroom and in this time Louise decided to ask Phil about something he'd brought up only yesterday, "so Philly, do you really like him?" He was not expecting to have this conversation ever, let alone right now, "we should probably get to some of this homewor-" Louise interjected, "Phil, you're dodging." He sighed, "fine, I think I might like him, but please don't say anything, I don't want to scare him off-" they all stopped when they heard the bathroom door open and footsteps, Dan walked back in to have everyone staring at him, "... hi?" He waved at them questioningly and sat back down.

Many hours later Dan had been noticing Phil acting slightly weird, but he didn't really think much of it. They got beds set up in the living room on the floor and couch and they all sat down to watch a movie and then sleep, Howl's Moving Castle, they had Dan pick.

The movie ended with Pj and Chris asleep on each other in a ball of cuddles on one of the couches and Phil and Dan talking quietly with each other after Louise went to her room. They talked for hours about life, death and all the things in between, it was around two in the morning that they called it a night and agreed to continue their talk when they woke up on Sunday.


I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPLOADED! I was really not feeling up to writing and I had a major writers block.

I watched Yuri on Ice and holy shit I'm in love.

It's snowing like mad today so I had to miss my first dance lesson in 10 years because my teacher lives in Vancouver, Washington and couldn't drive down to Oregon to teach me today, we rescheduled but idk, the weather is just getting worse.

Okay I hope it wasn't too bad, I'm sorry it was so short, tell me your thoughts and how I can improve.


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