Chapter 2: setting off

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Ash and Delia are finally on the road

Delia: Ash, thanks to all your earnings from the guild, we have plenty of money now so I bought a big house.  It is three storey high and has a really big garden, just a little bit smaller than the one in professor oak's lab.

Ash: wow that's great

Delia, I even hired some man to make it available for different pokemon to live in.  Like there are trees, sand areas , and even a pond.  Corpfish suddenly jumped out of its pokeball and wave his claw happily

Ash: you sure is excited right?

Corpfish: corpfish

Delia: well, and there is a 2 level basement

Ash: wow

Delia, I specially ask the builders to separate one third of it for storage and that section is connected to the kitchen, and I ordered a bunch of gym stuff so you can keep your work out.

Ash: thx mom.  What about the lowest level

Delia: it is connected to an artificial cafe under the garden, and the the entrance is in the big garden, professor oak told me your charizard always like shelter made by rock.  So I came out with that idea and you can have you Pokemon a running through the basement and the cave and the garden

Ash: mom, you are awesome!

Delia: and you store your knives and other tools and guardian stuff in the lowest level, and it is up to you how you want to use it

Yes, ash has all sorts of weapons.  And even an anvil and some other guardian stuff.

Then ash went to sleep coz it is a long long drive.


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