A/N good news and bad news

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Hi everyone, my knuckles are finally ok and I can type now.  And I am going to update soon!

For anyone who happens to read this for the first time... just proceed to read the prologue

For anyone who have been following all along, I have good news and bad news!

coz after taking a break I don't really like what I have written.  The shippings are rush and there are definitely not enough 'struggles' before the lovebirds become a couple officially.  So I am not going to continue the story.

But for the good news, base on the original story line and themes I will write a new story with more excitement and thrills.  

I am terribly sorry for this but I am sure you will like the revised version!  

Hint: I will make their encounter more...bloody... imagine ash's condition after confronting you know who?

For people who like Calem and Alain, I would say sorry, lollll coz you gonna hate meXDD

Last thing: in my new story line, which has the same theme as the one you have been following, will develop some drama gradually....XD I have planned ahead till like chapter 50 and There will be more and more to go later on!

PS: Maybe I will have 

may x clemeont + bonnie x max.  

still struggling whether whether I should paul in the story... coz I want Dawn x Barry but If paul is here I will be unable to control myself to put paul and dawn together......XDDD

Sorry again but hope you will like my rewritten version!( I am sure it is 100000000000x better )...more amour coming!

Keep calm and I will publish prologue soon !!!!!!!!!!!

Destiny -Pokemon High (Amourshipping Story an and exciting adventure!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن