Chapter 6: awaken

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Ash's POV

I sent Noctowl out to scout the area, and it returned with a worried expression.

I sensed something unpleasant from his aura, the owl pokemon allowed me in and saw what's happen.

aerial view: some team rocket grunts and some people in red out fit? who are they?

Upon seeing the grunts, noctowl flew closer. There's is two cages. one of them contains a severely injured charizard with a shiny stone on its tail. In the other cage lies someone who was thought to be dead a few years ago, my brother, Red.

and in that clearing of the forest, the team rocker grunts handed the truck to the people in red outfit. and then the view is blocked by smoke. All I see in Noctowl memory now is a aura sphere sent towards the grunts. Then Riley and his lucario tried to free the charizard and my brother.

Me: thx Noctowl. Serena, Dawn, I have an emergency, I have to leave!

Me: mom!

Delia: what is it ash?

Me: I saw Red, technically noctowl saw Red in the forest, with team rocket and some guys in red suit

Suddenly we heard a dash out of the kitchen.

and we saw Grace running out with a calvary sword.

Grace: team Flare! I am coming. Guys, team flare is chasing my cousin and his lucario. Stay here. I need to help him!

Me: is his name Riley?

Grace: yes.

Then I am coming too!

Delia: Grace, you can't do this, you have not been doing this for a long time! Let Ash deal with it.

Me: yes. Stay here and I will be right back!

Then a worried greninja and lucario ran to my side, held onto me as I teleported.


Eh guess i forgot pikachu again, maybe next time...


the thing is when I arrived, those grunt has already disappeared.

leaving a lucario standing , two cages and an unconscious Riley.

I asked: lucario, what happened

'Good you are here ash, those guys retreated, they don't know you have come, quick, teleport Riley and thhe others away!' I will fend them off!' ~telepathy

I wore a mask in case since I don't want anyone to see me.

I teleported Red and the charizrd back first. I am afraid if those grunts would found out about where they have gone so I sent greninja and lucario back to protect them. Then I went back to find Lucario, fending his trainer from the returning grunts.

grunt: who are you, don't stand in our way unless you want to be killed!

I teleported and attacked and all the grunts fainted.

Suddenly, I felt I was cut by something on the arm.

i have used up a lot of energy by now. Though I am gifted with enhanced stamina, After taking down around 100 grunts and teleporting a giant lizard I am panting. It is dark so I used aura vision. I saw the person I don't want to meet.

Giovanni: Think you are a hero, masked vigilante. I am so disturbed and I could not concentrate. I knew something rushed towards me but I did not mange to dodge that. And I am hit by a rolling golem.

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