Chapter 1: Before setting off

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Delia: Ash, have you packed your underpants?

Ash: mom!

Delia: just kidding, time to load things up onto the truck.

Well, since ash is going to move with his mom and Gary to kalos, he and Gary move all their stuff from the guild to the house, and now they are prepare to leave.

Ash: pignite, I choose you

Pignite: nite

Ash: pignite, can you give us a hand loading the stuff onto the truck?

Pignite: nite nite

Delia: wow ash, you sure know how to work with your Pokemon well. My son has become a fine young man after all these years.

Gary: since my grandpa is invited to kalos for the tenth anniversary of pokemon high. I will be leaving later, with him. So you will head to kalos before me. And don't start with the girls before I come.

Everyone at the scene, except Gary, sweatdropped.

Ash: that sounds more like what you would do.

Gary: anyway, You should not enjoy alone without your best friend, not to mention that he is the best love expert ever.

Ash sweat dropped ' yeah a love expert who can't even get into a relationship that lasts longer than a week?

'Hey!!!!!!!!!' Gary shouted at Ash. ' Come on, you could not even get ourself one, and you are often obsessed with a...'

Ash:Gary, just pls, don't bring that up.'
Delia: you two boys , you will get plenty of opportunities once you start high school.

Ash: why do we have to go to school. I have attended school in the guild, though I only got average marks. But it is like a million times harder than this knowledge in normal school.

Gary: So getting straight full mark for all subjects is average?

Ash: not straight full mark , I sometimes can't get all the extra credits!

Delia: you two have to blend in, professor oak does not want you two to learn nothing in kalos and he wants you two to act like normal kids.

Gary and I had no choice...

Gary: Ash, before you leave, we still have some time. May be we should....

Challenge accepted! Ash exclaimed.

Gary ran off: let's race to the battle ground. Drinks on the loser!

Ash: Hey , that's unfair. wait for me! pickchu, come on, we have a battle to win.


Gary: Umbreon, shadow ball!!

Ash: Pikachu, dodge it then use quick attack!

Gary: no way, ash, Umbreon, use double team and then moon light.

Ash: huh... a smirk grew on his face

Gary panicked as he saw ash smile...

Gary: wait where is pikachu now?!

the smoke and dust created by umbreon's attack faded out, pikachu is nowhere to be seen

Ash: pickachu, now!

Pika, pikachu jump out from the ground. Ash and pickachu has linked their aura. and pikachu read ash's strategy. By utilizing the minimal time before umbreon's attack land on pikachu, it used dig and the dust blew up coved any traces of holes. A good use of the environment and opponent's move

ash: now use iron tail round three times on umbrae and charge it with electroball.

Gary: umbreon , quick use protect

he's so scared!!

Though umbreon is fast, Ash's pickchu is faster. The iron tail land on umbreon and pickachu continued until the third one , hit right in its face with a fully charged electroball.

Umbreon fainted

Gary: Wow, pikachu is strong

Delia: ash we have to leave!!!!!

Well, the journey is ahead. Ash thought to himself

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