Chapter 7: a sweet morning

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Ash's POV

It has been a long time I have slept that long.
During my sleep I smelt something pleasant.
And I did not open my eyes when I first woke up. I noticed most part of my upper body is wrapped with bandage.
But the room has a pleasant smell, but what is it that tickles my face ...

I opened my eyes. And I saw Serena' s face, just an inch close to mine. She is sitting on a chair , crossing her arm as a pillow to lean on the side of the bed, right next to my pillow.

Then I find it so comfortable to see her sleeping peacefully.
I want to lay a kiss on her cute face.... no .. stop where does that thought come from, I am not a pervert!

I tried to look away with the guilt I felt... but desire drives me not to.

Eventually I could not hold it, when I am about to touch her cute face, a two bright, ocean blue eyes slowly opened. She saw me staring at her. But she did not move.
Serena: ash, are u feeling better?
She is smiling, but her voice showed me how worried and concerned she is.
But that is like an angel's voice... I can't even say a word and let out an 'eh'
Then she closed. Her eyes, smiled a tilted her head, and said: still shocked, aren't you?
My heart is beating against my chest as heavy as a hammer.
I finally snapped back: Serena, what happened after I fainted.
Serena: everyone was in a panic but we can't see you after others appeared. Your mom is fixing red . My mom is busy taking care Riley, while, dawn took red's charizard and Riley's lucario to the Pokemon centre. We are worried about you but they can't leave. So misty and I went to the forest to find you, somehow, I got a feeling of where you are and then the explosion just happened. I was really scared at that time, seeing you in a barely alive form. But Xerneas was by your side and she somehow gave me instructions to relieve your pain until charizard arrived to carry you away.

Ash: what kind of feeling?

Serena: it is like something I feel, like intuitive sense. To know where you are and I sense some really strong energy. It is the same when I tried to do that pain relieve. Xerneas was just asked me to place my palm on your chest so and concentrate...

Ash: that's a aura healing

Serena: Aura?
And she pressed her hand gently on my bandaged chest
And it was so warm. The energy she emits is so warm and soft as if it is going to melt my chest like chocolate...
I let her aura merge with mine, and I could feel the intense sensation sensing shiver down my spine.
Serena: ash, what is this?
But she is frightened upon realising her lips did not actually moved.
I put some force to pass an impulse on to her. And she returned it with a surprised look.
I said in her head, aura is the energy surrounding our body. Normal people can't sense it. Only a guardian or their offspring can sense it. Being able to sense aura is just like what we are doing now. I am a guardian, I can use my aura to sense the aura of the environment , of people, of Pokemon. It is just like a form of communication. With training you can see with aura, like ultrasonic, then when you finally reach a powerful level you can develop strong techniques, like healing , teleport, telekinesis

Finally, I withdrew, and she didtoo.

Serena: that is huge amount of info to take in
Me: yes, but you are special

I notice her pink tint and I know it is a blush. But she is cute when she panicked to hide that I decide not to tell her.( you are a pervert! Ash!)

Serena: special... why

Me: what, you learn healing in 30 seconds and saved me when I am on the verge of dying.

Serena: ummmm

Me:: and even though this is the first time our aura somehow fused, we are...

She interrupted : totally in sync, and the bonding is peaceful...

She blushed hard after she brushed those few words...
I blushed too.
I tried to get up.
But she gently have me laid back down, and gently whispered in my ears,' I would like to learn about the aura stuff later, will you teach me?'
I am really surprised by how close she is acting to me. I am even more surprised she is so nice to me.... other kids in the guild except Gary see me as a horrible fighting monster, who knock people out with ease in trainings...

Serena: why would you have those thoughts?
She even picked up my thoughts without physical contact.
Me: I thought you will see me as some weirdo or horrible person when you know I am a fighting monster.
Serena: no you are not. You are nice, you are cheerful, you have your goals, and you have a nice heart to help people and I think it is very brave to stand up to that guy, your mom told us about your horrible past... I really sympathized with you ash, but you still get over that and you stay strong! Never give up until the very end

Wait, those words coming from her... Have I ever heard it from someone else?

Me: thanks Serena, that is really kind for you to say that.

Serena: no, those are the truth.

Me: but you only knew me for a day.

Serena: do you think I really did not remember the day I am saved by a raven hair boy.

Ash: wait... I thought ... I thought you forgot.

Serena: ash, I missed you

Ash: me too, you left Kanto... that few months I was like having a part of life torn away, losing a childhood best friend.
I saw tears..,

Of joy

Serena turned around and took out a blue handkerchief, which I immediately recognized.

Ash: you still have it
Serena: I cherished it! You taught me 'Never Give up until the very end!And maybe it is time to return it !
Ash: sere, I want you to keep it...

Serena' POV

Oh my god
He is calling me sere,
No I can't take that anymore., he is so nice.
He is still in the morning voice, but it is something so attractive , deep, and raspy and I can't stand hearing that for any longer.

He is so cute... and about that special bonding... I liked it... no in fact I loved it...
He is not like some other male- fan- friends of mine... I can always see a dirt lust and desire in their eyes.
But this boy lying in front of me is something different, with a pure heart, and .., he has too many good things compare to this bastards!

And he let me keep the blue piece of cloth.
I can't stand seeing that attractive boy....
me: ash, I am going down a bit. Will it be ok if you are alone?

Ash: go ahead, you have been stayed with me whole night you should take some rest or go wash up. And don't worry, I have always been alone.

His last sentence was kind of sad... but he still smile. This gives me a stronger urge to show the boy care, and maybe love. I am opening the door. But walk back to his side, whisper in his ear, , 'from now on, you won't' and press my lips on his cheek.. then turned away and ran out of the room before he says anything...

This sure is a great start for the day!

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