Prologue - Part Three (Cam's POV)

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3:53 CST

I was texting my friends Cait and Cas who lived in a different time zone. I had just gotten home from a long day at school -three tests and a research project due- my coat and scarf still on from being out in the cold I didn't feel like taking them off just yet. I was grabbing a box of cereal off the shelf in the kitchen with one hand and holding my phone with the other. Cas only said one word and then he went offline. I frowned, at least I still had Cait to keep me company, right? Wrong.

Oh nuuuuu
Not you too, did you get grounded again?

Well, that sucked. I ate my cheerios in sadness. I walked to my room and decided to go on wattpad to read some fanfictions, maybe update some of my own stories. And guess what? I had writers block. Usually Cas helped with my writers block, telling me crazy stories to give me ideas. Most times me and Cait would just talk about Young Justice and DC comics, which he knew nothing about. We talk about it so much he should have picked up some stuff but he still doesn't know anything. But I didn't have them right now anyway.

I groaned and got up to get some more cereal. My mom stopped me though, telling me to feed my cats. I went to their jar of food and gave them their portions in their bowls. The two felines ran from wherever they were to the kitchen and I smiled. They started eating quickly.

I turned around and went back to my room to grab my phone cause I wanted to check my email. Oh look my sister, Courtney texted me.

Hey can you babysit tonight?

I rolled my eyes. She was always asking me to babysit, I had enough stress with school and getting ready for college and oh, did I mention I was moving in three weeks? I didn't need to watch a seven month old baby over night. I pressed the power button on my phone and shoved it in the pocket on my jeans angrily. I walked back to the kitchen with my cereal bowl in hand. I went to grab the box of Cheerios again and opened it. I noticed something glowing on the inside. Was this a box with a prize? Did they even still do that? I looked on the box there was nothing that said there was something other than cereal in the box. Did my mom hide some thing in there?

I pulled out the plastic bag that contained the Cheerios and a comic book fell out. It was the thing that was glowing. My jaw dropped and my brows furrowed, Flash was on the cover looking bad ass. I picked it up to flip through it and was sucked in! I was brought deeper and deeper until it was nothing but black.

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