Where Did I Fall Into?

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I feel an extreme electric charge through my body. Extreme beyond unimaginable pain is shot through me as I enter into this unknown world. My eyes are closed in the amount of pain I'm feeling as is it courses through my veins and bones.

I open my eyes and I'm falling from an extreme height that I am not conferrable with.

So at this moment in my head I'm like what kind of world did I fall into? FUCKING LITERALLY FALL INTO!! Also why did I like get electrocuted or shocked while coming through here because I've been through this before like a year back.

As I'm falling I realize I'm in a storm cloud and that I'm above an extremely populated city. New York City possibly? Or what about Jersey City, that would be awesome.

But now I know why I was shocked so I can mentally move on from that.

Reality then kicks in and I realized I'm falling and I scan what I can see for water. I see a huge bridge with a huge lake going under it.

Now I don't really know my landmarks that well, but that bridge tells me that I am most likely in New York.

I try twisting my body to fall towards the water, but I soon realize that I'm falling to fast and will most likely hit something before I touch water. So, I'm now seeing if anything soft I can land on like a parade balloon or a giant thing just laying around that may be soft and I see nothing.

At this point I'm accepting my fate that I'm going to die probably splatting on the pavement or getting skewered by a building top.

I'm now falling faster and faster towards a building with shiny clean blue windows. I brace for impact as I get closer to it by turning into a ball and I immediately drop straight down like a rock in water now falling almost even with the buildings North side.

Trying to get my barring's onto which way I was facing I'm now literally seconds from hitting the pavement, splat onto the side walk and I begin to think...

Where's a nearby pond when you need one?!?!

My eyes close and I'm suddenly feeling cool water. I open my eyes and I'm underwater? What the fuck did I just do?!? I swim up to the surface because I sink in water as usual. At the surface I realize I'm under that bridge I had seen not to long ago. I look down at my hands and my bag and they're pulsing with blue illuminescent light which looked like electrical charges shooting through a persons veins.

At first I freaked out, but then I was just mesmerized by how cool it looked. I swam over to a giant pillar that stuck into the water and I climbed up onto it to see where I am to head next. As I'm sitting there my blue glow fades away and I pull out my phone and thankfully it was still working.


I open up all my messages to see if I have any. I apparently got a message from Cait. Cool to know that I've got a friend in the same realm that I'm in.

The message from Cait said "I'e BEIUN kIanapeqd HAELPWPL" Sent 25 minutes ago.


I quickly text back.



I saw a small boat sailing in front of me so I jumped on it real quick and took a quick ride to shore and hoped off as soon as I was dry and close enough to jump onto a pole to climb up onto a dock or sidewalk.

Now walking around trying to find a place to rest I see a sign that says Metropolis Train Station

Wait a minute I think I know what this place is. I don't know much, but I know this has to be the realm with Batman and Superman and stuff. This is all so clear to me now.

I pull out my phone and start playing some music from my sound cloud playlist because why not. Now just strolling along the side walk until I feel the ground shake as if a bomb had just gone off. I pull out an earbud and look around quickly. Instantly I see a cloud of purple smoke coming down from this very expensive plane. I look down the block and it's turning people into mutated creatures!!!!!!?!!

Adrenaline kicks in and I sprint down the block until I get to this really big building with big letters saying The Daily Planet.

I run through the doors and I run up the stairs to the 3rd floor to get a good look at what's happening. Security is everywhere, but seems to not notice me which is weird but I keep going until I get to the window. I look down and I see mutant monsters destroying everything until this huge white flash appears out of no where and I'm blinded so I aimlessly run into a room and shut the door far away from any windows.

Sitting there listening for 4 hours to what sounds like war. I finally come out when all goes silent except police sirens and fire truck sirens because I haven't heard them at all the entire time of battle. I walk out the door and amazed on what I see in front of me.

Just jaw dropping.

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