The Friendly Escape

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I am Briana, aka Bree (not Bri). and I'm new to dis joint account but idk just try and enjoy my writing, I guess? ._.

Not set in the TV show, but rather the Teen Titans comics, with a few adjustments to align with the story better


Bree's POV

I have to get away from them.

That's my first thought when I realize my velocity.

It's strange going this fast, considering I normally get an eight on a PACER test. But it was probably because of the fact that I am in a city mostly renowned for its famous, iconic superhero.

I find myself crashing into a friend of mine. Strange because I remember that we live several states away.

But for you to understand why I'm running, I have to start from the beginning.

[7:00 AM]

It was one of those mornings, in which I didn't really want to get out of bed. Even though it wasn't a Monday, the day most known for being those days, could I please stay home?

I could always just pretend to be sick, but my alarm was currently the Young Justice theme song and it had normally fired me up for school.

I hurriedly put on my clothes and look over at my bookshelf, checking if all my New Teen Titans comics were in order since I had an annoying sister who normally liked to mess with me by doing these things.

A glowing sensation emerged from one of the annuals and I realize..

"This is not how it was advertised at Comic-Con."

I quickly assume it's danger and run from it, but it doesn't work well because I can't do anything related to everything.

Getting sucked into the comic book, I gave up because I soon figured that, well, who doesn't want to be sucked into a comic book with no explanation whatsoever?

Then again, worded like that gave me second thoughts.

I can't really describe what it felt like going through the comic book, but next thing I know, I'm in the city. But not my city.

Jump City.

It was either some strange dream or I was actually in the Jump City. And, since I have a habit of believing only what I want to believe, I chose to believe that I was currently in Jump.

Meaning that I was with Donna Troy, Raven Roth, Garfield Logan, Victor Stone, Koriand'r, possibly Wally or Bart? Either Dick, Damian, hopefully not Tim, or none, depending on the time period.

I'm a total geek, this is why I have three friends..

Why exactly they thought a huge T-shaped tower near one of the United States' most populated city's (New York City) was very secret was, and still is, unsure to me.

Then, me, being the extreme geek that I am, have to go inside to figure out what the hell is actually inside the whole tower.

Of course, I'd have to get across a body of water, then get through an advanced security system created by the sidekick of the best detective of this world.

Nothing's too crazy when you're crazy.

I quickly try and jump into the water, knowing from my childhood of living in New York that the water would most likely freeze me over if I stayed in it even a few seconds too long. I really wish I hadn't had to deal with such a difficult situation.

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