Electric Feel

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4:45 CST, Central City, Missouri

"Your password is weird." Wally said after typing it in for me on the laptop.

I rolled my eyes. "Your face is weird." I shot back at him.

He stuck his tongue out at me like a five year old. We were actually at Barry's and Iris' apartment now. He was maskless and in his civilian clothes. I sat next to him on a couch and he held the computer in his lap. He looked back down to it, finger on the track pad, wiggling the pointer. "So what am I doing now?" He asked, a red eyebrow raising.

"Messenger, see if there are any messages." I ordered him. I was anxious, and not being able to use electronics was adding to my angst. What's a teen without a cellphone? Depressed. Was I totally alone here? I had to know.

"Uhh well there's only one thing in your messages, a group- 'Batman, Namtab, and Bamtan'? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He asked totally confused.

I blushed and giggled. "It's an inside joke. You wouldn't understand."

He eyed me suspiciously and I smiled innocently. He pursed his lips then looked back at the screen. "Well it looks like your friend Cait was kidnapped... By Batman? And Cas is in New York." He started reading again. "So I guess they are in the same situation as you are."

"Reply to them and tell them what happened to me." I said, biting my nails anxiously.

He nodded and his fingers moved across the keyboard at top speed. He turned the screen to me after he sent the message.

Hey guys, I'm in Central City with the Flash
Wally is currently being a great guy and typing this out for me right now because I'm lame and can't use electronics without making them blow up.
Did I mention I'm lame?
So yeah, I hope you guys are alright.
Get back to me soon!

"You trying to get yourself electrocuted, bro?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

He raised his hands, chuckling. "I saw the opportunity and I seized it."

I couldn't think of a clever comeback so I just punched his arm and pouted. I felt it this time when the electricity in my knuckle shocked him on contact. At my touch he recoiled, rubbing his arm. My eyes widened. "Oops."

"Remind me not to get on your bad side." He frowned still rubbing his arm.

I smirked. "Too late." I said as I wiggled my fingers near him. He scooched farther away from me on the couch. I giggled at his fear and brought my arms back down to my sides, folding my hands in my lap. "You should learn to respect your elders, young man."

He made a face that screamed 'what the fuck'. "Dude you're like two years older than me." He said quickly.

"DiDjU JuST aSsUMe MY gENdEr?!" I yelled. "I'm so triggered right now." I started to fake hyperventilate.

His green eyes were wide as his red eyebrows raised. "No? What?"

A laugh bubbled from my lips. "What you don't have memes in this universe?" I asked, a grin on my face.

His eyebrows were scrunched together now. "Well we do but I don't exactly have time to look at them; you know, city to protect, bad guys to put in jail and all."

I looked down at my feet, my grin gone. "Riiight." Was all I could think to say. The freckled boy's stomach growling cut through the silence. "Looks like someone's huuungryyy." I sing-songed. Then an idea came to me. "Oh oh can we go to Big Belly Burger? Or get some Chicken Whizzies?"

He grinned at the mention of food. "Let's go!" He said standing up from the couch, putting on his coat and handing me mine in three seconds.

I laughed and barely had time to button up my coat before Wally was dragging me out the door. We started walking down the street and I frowned. "We're walking?" I asked sadly.

He nodded. "Yeah, I'd run but I doubt you'd be able to keep up." His crooked smile made my own lips twitch upward.

"You wanna bet?" I challenged him. "Remember how you got your powers. Lightning giveth and lightning can take away." I bluffed.

He narrowed his eyes. "I don't think that's true."

I mirrored his narrowed eyes. "You forget, I know your whole life, I know everything about you, I know you better than you know you."

His eyebrows raised. "That's creepy, you're creepy. You stalker." He tried to keep a straight face.

"Please, you should be honored that I stalk you, you wouldn't get any attention otherwise." I flipped my hair off my shoulder to add a more dramatic effect. "Now, why can't we drive to get something to eat? I can drive, let's borrow Barry's car, I'm sure he won't need it." I whined, I really hated walking.

"Well you see, the problem is cars have batteries and use electricity, and I'm pretty sure Barry doesn't want his car blown up." He said like the smart-ass he was.

I looked down at my faded blue Converse and grimaced. "Right." I almost forgot I had super stupid ass powers that I couldn't control.

Guys, I Don't Think We're In Kansas Anymore... {DC UNIVERSE}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن