Green Arrow?

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* A/N - Hi there! Sorry you guys were probably expecting Cas' POV but I'll be stealing the spotlight today, I'm Kristein or Kris for short. A newcomer to this joint account and this story. Hope you guys also enjoy my POV of this story! A little more info about me in the "About Me" section thingamabob. Also some pretty piano background music!

Kris POV
12:31 pm CST

"Auntie I'm gonna go out and buy me some snacks!" I said running down the stairs and loud enough for her to hear me. I quickly ran out the doors and closed the door tightly before she could even reply. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in and out. The fresh cold air made my nose tickle, I tucked my face into my scarf. Standing outside of the house I muttered to myself, "I hate the cold." It was a cold wintery day outside, thankfully it wasn't windy or snowing at the time. Without further ado I started making my way to a nearby convenience store. As I was walking I couldn't help but get a little frustrated with myself, "UGH! Its so cold out why did I ever think that this was a great idea?!" I yelled to myself. I stopped in my tracks and decided to take a look at the time, I pulled out my iphone from my jacket pocket.

12:39 pm CST

It has only been 8 minutes?! Are you kidding me?! It felt like it has been 20 minutes in this cold weather and I wasn't even halfway there to the convenience store! I frowned, "I just wanted some hot cheeto fries.. some glazed doughnuts and gummy bears.." I quietly muttered to myself and pouted. I sighed again and decided to just make my way to the nearby elementary park and hang out there for a bit. "Why am I so indecisive.." I said to myself. As I kept walking I could see the park. There at the park were a few kids also playing about. I hasten my paste and walked towards them. They were so cute! Wearing their snow pants and big jackets making them look all chubby. Over in the distance I hear one of their mothers yelling at them not to throw snow at each other, as I see a boy chugging a giant snowball at another boy. I laughed, "Ouch that must be cold." and smiled.

I walked towards the swing and sat down. I swung myself back and forth slowly, as I looked up to the sky. I closed my eyes and took another deep breath in and out. Okay, maybe winter isn't so bad after all. Suddenly something pushes past me and I quickly open my eyes. To my notice it was just one of the boys who just accidentally bumped me but then I see that he dropped something. I stood up from the swing and walked towards the object, it was glowing a beautiful yellow aura.. I hunched down to take a closer look, "A comic book... Green Arrow?" I said to myself in confusion. I tried to grab hold onto the comic book but then I was engulfed into the comic book itself.

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