Things Just Got Technical

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👻Co-Author's note by Cas: Lol well damn sorry for making you guys wait for this book. School stuff got to me and I kind of went dark for a long time BUT IM BACK NOW!! So the story is back on and school is ending for me so I'll be able to write more often :D. Hopefully... Or whenever Cait yells at me to XD.👻

First thing I see is the part of the building that I'm in has a HUGE HOLE in it and there's literally nothing but destruction, a bit of fire, and death between me and the ground. Next thing I see, as I scan my surroundings, are police lights flashing just about everywhere and a couple dozen firetrucks spraying down buildings, but what really stood out to me was the gathering of police cars and a news van that I could see reflecting off some glass on a store.

Then realizing the situation I was in, I started to think....

How am I going to get down from here without dying? And what or who stopped all of those mutants? Most importantly who was flying that plane with that purple stuff?

I put those last two thoughts aside and look around for a safe way down. Now on my hands and knees, so I don't fall to my death, I look down off the crumbling ledge that had been destroyed into the building.

Nothing more than a bunch of rubble, occasional fires, and bent metal beams. I back up and look into the room I had been in because for some reason in those 4 hours I decided to sit in a corner and not look around. How smart of me.

Inside that room I see a cubicle with one of those amazing spinning chairs and a desk on the side of left side of it. Moving closer to get a better look at the cubicle, I notice there are not and photos of family or anyone on the desk, but the computer was on and a USB chip was plugged into it.

I sit down in the chair and look at the computer to get a better look at the monitor.

On the screen I can see what looks like an extremely advanced math equation and blueprints to what looks like a time warp portal or some dimensional portal in the form of books. I immediately started connecting the pieces.

Someone had created those books that me and Cait had touched and then teleported us here. But why would someone do that? Is there some prophecy or something like in every other generic situation cause I'm totally down for that if that's the case.

I pull the USB out of the computer and drop it in my backpack where everything is still dry, thankfully. Before I leave I snoop around looking for anything valuable I could fine useful, since this place was already fucked up enough no one would know. Right?

Opening up drawers and looking at the computer one last time and then leave. I found a few suspicious files that I'm now carrying in my backpack and a wireless mouse and keyboard. You know just in case I'm being hunted and I need to send a message or do something it will be harder to trace me back with my own stuff on me. Right?

Now again facing the outside world, I notice most of the cop cars are gone and same with the firetrucks and that news van.

To bad I missed that news van, I really wanted to know what the actual fuck just happened, but whatever.

Then I remember...


I have no idea why but its just now coming to me that I actually have a super power!! I CAN LITERALLY HAVE THE SUPER POWER I'VE ALWAYS WANTED!!!

Instantly after that I had the thought...

Well if I can teleport I'll just jump off here and teleport to the ground.

Then also I then realized I have literally kind of no idea how to work this new power. So,I start to think about being on the ground and teleporting there, but it doesn't work.

I start walking around in circles trying to think on how to get down until I accidentally step off the edge!!

Now falling fast off the side of the building I start freaking out.



I hit the ground. Not hard as I thought I would, but then I noticed I'm a block away from that building I was in.


Maybe I can only teleport when I'm afraid or feel threatened or something stupid? Damn I ask myself a lot of questions...


Now getting up and looking at my destroyed surroundings yet again and now trying to figure out where to go next I begin to walk down a destroyed street toward what seems like a normal busy street.

I get to the corner looking up at amazement at the tall buildings and signs when...


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