Do Something Fast

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Sometime in Missouri

Okay so the guys took me back to their place, I was knocked out the whole ride there. It was safe to say these guys were some really die hard fans. Everything was exactly like in the comics. My jaw dropped at the sight.

They sat me down in a chair and stared at me. I stared right back at them, millions of possibilities swirled through my head. What did they want from me? I didn't even know live action role playing was still a thing. I kept staring them down, though. Finally 'Wally' broke.

"How did you know my name!?" He asked me.

"How do you know that name?!" I laughed the line to the Batman V Superman movie to myself. But then I looked at my captor seriously. "I know all of your names. Wally West." I looked at the tall guy in the Flash suit. "Barry Allen." I grinned when they frowned. "Oliver Queen, Roy Harper, Clark Kent, Connor Kent, Bruce Wayne, and Dick Grayson."

Wally stepped back away from me but Barry crossed his arms over his chest. He removed his mask. Wow, he was actually a blonde? I kinda respected that. "That's good. But Superman doesn't have a son."

"Oh, you guys haven't let the side kicks into the Hall of Justice yet?" I raised an eyebrow. This time Wally's eyes lit up and Barry took a step back.

"You're gonna let us in the Hall of Justice??" He asked excitedly.

Barry ignored his partner and stepped closer to me, getting in my face. "You know who we are, so who are you?" He asked slowly.

I looked into his blue eyes, furrowing my eyebrows "I'm Camryn, I'm seventeen, and I just want to go home." I told him desperately.

"Do you know you have powers, Camryn?" Barry was calm.

I rolled my eyes. "I wish."

"Well you don't have to." He looked around the lab we were in. "Wally give me your phone." He held his hand out to the young teen.

"Why my phone??" The red head whined.

"I'll get you another phone for Christmas, just give it to me." The blonde demanded. Wally reluctantly handed over his phone and Barry handed it to me. "Here, why don't you try to call home; uncuff her, Wally." Wally went around the back of the chair and I heard a few clicks as I was freed. I rubbed the red marks on my wrists, displeased. I took the phone from him though.

I dialed my mom's number again and put the phone up to my ear. Once again there was static, and once again the phone exploded in my hand. I squeaked and threw the phone on the floor. I looked at the two males in front of me for answers. "I'm doing that?" I asked, afraid of the answer I knew I was going to get.

They nodded gravely. Barry gestured to follow him. I stood out of the chair as we walked over to a laptop. Wally stopped me before I could get too close. Barry's fingers flew across the keyboard and my eyes widened.... Nahhh I could probably type faster. I pushed the thought away as he turned the screen so I could see it.

I gasped, a video played showing me touching down in the field I woke up in.... surrounded by lightning. I passed out and sparks still danced across my body. The video went black then started over again.

"This is from a surveillance camera docked outside a restaurant across from the field you appeared in." Barry informed me.

I narrowed my eyes, still not believing. "Do something fast." I ordered them. They looked at each other and smirked. I blinked and suddenly I was blind. I squinted at Wally wearing my glasses.

"Dude you can't see anything!" He took my glasses off and rubbed his eyes.

I looked around but Barry was nowhere in sight, not that I would be able to see him clearly anyway. "Where is-"

"Behind you!" The blonde man spoke I turned around, startled. "Now over here!" His voice sounded from across the room. "Now I'm in front of you." I jumped as he appeared right in front of me, my glasses on his face.

I found a chair and went to go sit in it.

Okay. Alright. Yep. Mmhmm. "I'm dreaming right? This is a dream?" And I don't know why but tears started rolling down my cheeks.

Barry walked over to me and kneeled in front of me, a sympathetic look on his face. "You're in Central City. I'm Barry Allen, The Flash; and Wally and I are one hundred percent real." He handed me back my glasses.

I wiped my tears and gave a hysterical laugh. I remembered the comic book in my cereal box, so it was a portal? I'm really here? I grinned at the blue eyed man. "I come from a place where you guys are just works of fiction, my whole life I wished you were real. There are no words to describe how I'm feeling right now."

"You.. read about us?" Barry asked.

I nodded. "And watch you on TV and movies and write fanfictions and I sound like a stalker don't I?"

"Yep." Wally laughed.

"So everyone is there? Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman?" The blonde asked curiously.

"Every. Single. One." I told him. "The Flash Family is my favorite, though." I added grinning widely. "Speed is my favorite superpower."

Wally laughed. "Too bad you got sparks instead."

"Wally don't make me hide all the food from you." I threatened, his green eyes widened and he shut up.

"Wait a minute, Camryn. He made a good observation. You say nobody has powers where you come from but you seem to have a pretty high electric charge that no regular human should have."

"I don't know anything about that, but now that I think about it I did shock people a lot when I touched them. You're the scientist, Barry, figure it out."

"I'll do everything I possibly can." He promised and I felt like crying again. This was a dream come true. I bet Cait would be so jealous! Cait.... Oh shit, right I have friends back home.

"Okay so I'm gonna need you guys to log into my Facebook and deliver a message for me."

Guys, I Don't Think We're In Kansas Anymore... {DC UNIVERSE}Where stories live. Discover now