Welcome to Gotham

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♈️Author's note by CAIT: I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, even though it's so unbelievably shitty. I wish it were longer, but I really wanted to end it there too. Hope you enjoy the chapter! <3♈️
Cait POV

Unknown Time/Unknown Timezone

I woke up hearing my alarm clock beeping...unusually loud...damn this sounded like cars honking at each other. There wasn't usually much traffic on my street, but it didn't sound too much like my alarm.

Whatever, I'll turn it off in a second. That was a weird dream I had...if only it were real. Pfft, glowing comic books don't exist. Though, I mean, how fucking cool would that be? I could wake up in the Batcave or something. That would be amazing. 

I opened my eyes slowly. Every time they opened fully I closed them because it was so bright. When did I open my curtains?

...I didn't.

Upon sitting up quickly, my head began hurting. Really, really bad. The noise of my alarm clock got louder until it was no longer an alarm clock. It was the noise of an overpopulated city. Once again, I noted that my street wasn't very busy. So what the hell?

I looked around at the city. There were tall buildings and cars everywhere, and I could tell I wasn't even IN the city yet. I looked around for a sign as to where I was, I could find out why I was here later. It's probably my parents playing a prank on me...though their pranks were never this good, and they wouldn't leave me in some kind of weird city that was definitely not ours.

When I finally found a clue as to where I was, it was too good to be true, and too convincing to be a prank.

The sign read:


I didn't have time to be shocked or even utter a word of disbelief before I felt something sharp on my neck and, once again, blacked out. But not before seeing a very weird black cape and some kid dressed like Robin.

Damn cosplayers....


God, I hate waking up.

Especially when I don't remember anything before a few days ago...the last thing I remembered was eating pizza. Wait nope, that was a good dream.

Well, I remember that other dream, the crazy dream. Was the other part a dream too? Must have been, I can hear people talking. Probably my mom and dad. Or Emily and Natalie. Or all four. Or maybe they got someone to take me to an adoption agency...

Why the hell does my neck hurt, though? What kind of pillow even is this, because it sure as hell isn't mine.

Oh fuck. That wasn't a dream, was it? Nah, too unlikely.

Without giving away I was awake, I tried to hear the conversation going on around where ever I was. It was some kid arguing with an adult, I could hear that much. Neither the kid or the adult sounded like anyone in my family, and that's when I knew something was wrong.

"If there's an alien...no we can't...we don't know who she is!"

"Does she....alien....she isn't from...world..."

Jesus, how bad was my hearing? I could only pick up parts of the speech. But I'm not stupid, they think I'm a fucking alien. I know I can look like one sometimes, but seriously? How rude.

"She's awake."

Ohhhh shit.

Well, at least I have time to address the fact that they think I look like an alien.

"Fucking retards..." I muttered, "Do I really look like an alien?" I said this part louder, opening my eyes. I was legit tied down to a table.

WONDERFUL. I'm kidnapped.

"That was quite a light show you put on. I guess traveling to another planet requires fireworks?" The one I could tell was a very grumpy adult asked. I snorted.

"Is this still earth? Because I'm not an alien, dumbass. Was I kidnapped? Because I know some people who will kill you for kidnapping me. Truly dead. Like, not even the fucking Lazarus Pit could save you. And that's not even real! But well, neither is most of the things I believe in. Just, my friends will get you for kidnapping me."

I'd never heard a silence so loud until this moment. Awkwarddddddd.

"I think she needs to go to Arkham." The kid said. I rolled my eyes and then closed them, taking a deep breath so I don't fucking break whatever is tying me onto this fucking table and break these people's fucking lives.

Wait, I do have another option.

My annoying powers! In my mind, I high-fived myself for this. I'm a genius!


Wait, that actually rhymed. Oops.

Randomly, I couldn't speak anymore. What the fuck? Damn, I say fuck a fucking lot.

Then I realized they put tape over my mouth.


How dare they silence the great and powerful-Nah nevermind.

The people who 'kidnapped' me talked a bit more while I planned my escape. I could go all Batman on these shitheads. Or I could go full Justice League on the sons of bitches. I think Batman-ing them would be better, considering I don't have powers.

Or I could use the phone that's in my fucking pocket...

When the two people went away, I grabbed my phone, though it was hard getting my phone out of my back pocket with my hands tied down, and began texting random letters/numbers on facebook without being able to see. Hope they get the message.

I'e BEIUN kIanapeqd

Well, I hope it worked.

I also hope I sent it to Cas and Cam, because if I didn't, I swear to god, anyone else would think I'm crazy.

That's not very far from the truth though.

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