This Is Gonna Hurt

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♈️Author's Note by CAIT: Okay IDC what to write for the A/N so bye (BTW notice my nickname changes when I'm texting my parents and siblings lmao, that may or may not actually be what they call me...;3)♈️

Cait POV

I've been here hours! Those stupid cosplayers still aren't back and I'm getting worried. Maybe I was really kidnapped?! Did I know too much about Batman and Robin that I wasn't supposed to?? I apologize for my obsessions, world! Forgive me please, please, plea-

A sudden 'click' sounded through the very convincing Batcave. I jumped a little, I admit.

It took me a minute to realize the click was the handcuffs keeping my hands from moving unlocking. I almost screamed in joy, before having a sudden feeling I was being watched. Whatever...

I slowly tried to sit up, though it was painful, I managed to, just a tiny bit because the middle of my arms was still, what I now knew, chained to the fucking table. 

Meh, this is gonna hurt.

I leaned all the way to the right, trying to tip the table over. With my luck, it did. The chains slammed against the floor hard enough to break. 

Honestly, if you're going to kidnap a girl who, when really pissed off, can sometimes be really, really, REALLY bitchy but clever in times of need, don't use shitty chains.

I moved my right arm from its current place and groaned. How do I fix this now? I mean sure, one of my arms are free, but what help is that when I'm sideways?

"Well, you look like you need help." A random voice said, scaring my half to death.

"Holy mother of chocolate pizza what are you, a ninja?!?" I screamed. Oooh, chocolate pizza. That sounds good...

"No, I'm just on the other side of the table you're stuck on." The voice sassed. I rolled my eyes, but laughed. "Or I could be a ninja. Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Actually, I just want to know WHY THE FUCK I'M CHAINED TO A TABLE!" I yelled angrily. Now it was the other person's turn to laugh.

"Because you could be evil."

"But I'm not! I'm a harmless teenager! Wait, I take that back. Oh whatever!"

"You have powers. You could be dangerous."

"But I don't! How could I have powers?! Nothing weird has ever happened to me! I'm not like Flash and that stupid Particle Accelerator, or like Superman being an alien, I'm some normal cussing and always pissed teen. So, I swear to god, if you don't let me go right now, I will-"

Suddenly I fell face-first onto the floor and off the table. What the?

I stood up quickly and looking around, frantically trying to find out where I was. There was a big computer...giant random shit...oh my god this looks just like the Batcave.

"W-where am I?" I stuttered, evidently amazed and not bothering to hide it. When my eyes landed on the person who was talking to me I nearly fainted. It was a Robin cosplayer...that looked too real to be a cosplayer. And right beside him was Batman. 

But my amazement was short-lived because it quickly turned to anger. "Who set this up? How is this so real? Emily did it, didn't she? Oh no, my dad did it. He's always joking around...but how? This makes no sense! Am I dreaming? Is my stupid alarm going to go off and wake me, and then not even five minutes later I'm going to forget all of this?"

The 'cosplayers' were freaked out by two things. My ranting, and the fact that my hands were on fire.


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