Chapter 1: Karma & Nagisa

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It was still afternoon, but the sky was completely blocked by dark gray clouds. Lightning and thunder were synchronizing each other followed by strong gust which was rampaging outside. There's someone who was standing close by a thin body which was lying down with a dagger on his left chest. The fresh blood flew, spreading unto his feet like it was begging for something. There was no one but him and definitely he was the one to be blame. As the spark of the lightning snapped, I could see a figure with crimson red hair there. With a soft gasp, I whispered one name, "Karma-kun". I didn't ever think that he would see his little brother died in front of him or it might be that he...


An azure haired boy running out of the back side of a mansion to an abandoned-looked storage room in the backyard far from the mansion with a plate of food and a drink in his shaking hands. As he arrived at the front of the storage room, he put the food and the drink near a small door on the bottom side of the main door of the storage room. After opening it, a hand appeared from inside and pulling them in slowly, trying not to spill out anything.

"Thanks for the meal.." A voice came out.

The blue head boy chuckled, "enjoy your meal, Karma-kun.. How is it?" He sat down and leaning his back on the door.

"Like usual.. But wait!" Karma sighed, "it's a bit salty and the veggie's overcooked.. But the rest are not bad.. The one who can mess the cook up like this is only you, am I wrong Nagisa?"

Nagisa released a small smile, "my bad.. I was overslept today.." He grasping both of his trembling hands, "I didn't have enough time for cleaning and cooking, so I did both at the same time.. That's why I messed up the meals for everyone..."

A banging sound on the door jolted Nagisa at once, "Nagisa! Show me your hands!"

Nagisa didn't give a respond to Karma and only grabbing his hands tight while Karma was pounding the door and shouting from inside. His heart throbbed fast and a sweat dropped on his pale face. He had to calm Karma down or else someone would hear him and gave more terrible punishment to both of them.


Nagisa didn't have another choice but to shout as loud as he could to make Karma heard him and it worked. He took a deep breath then releasing it slowly as he leaning his forehead on the door and squeezing his chest.

"I'm ok.. Don't worry, Karma-kun.." He smiled.

Even though Karma couldn't see him smiling at least his voice could reach him and it could calm him down. There's a rustle sound followed by a thud on something, but the sound wasn't close to the door. It might be Karma moved and sitting far from the door.

"Bye for now, Karma-kun.." Nagisa walked away.

No respond from inside, Nagisa thought that Karma was annoyed of him. It didn't stop Nagisa from leaving him as soon as possible due to his mountain of works that day. He relieved that Karma didn't see him; Nagisa sighed. He couldn't imagine what would he do if he saw him with bruises on his hands and a slap mark on his left cheek. It's the first time on his life that his overslept brought him to the worst situation.

(KarmaxNagisa)The Twins of DestructionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt