Chapter 8: To The Party 2

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"You're alone, ojou-chan?" Said someone who suddenly appeared before Shia, "well... What about we___"

This person was stung by a keener glare of Shia, behind her mask, then he stepped away. Shia leaned her back and slurped her drink as her eyes still locked on Nagisa. Her face changed from scared to flat at once as she's sure that Nagisa didn't look at her anymore. He's busy with the people around him. The dress code of the party was black suit and also for the 'human'. It would be difficult if one wanted to look for a certain person since there were thousands of people in one room. The participants were not allowed to leave the room before the host decided to end the party. The hands of the clock were clicking on Shia's ears. In all sudden, blacked out trapped them in the darkness. Panic voices were spreading in the whole room. No one could decide the right direction and what's had happened. The sound of the breaking glass became one with the other. It's a chaos until the lamps were on. As they could see again, they saw the whole room was messed up. The host announced to all the participants to check their 'belongings' and made sure that no one lost a single thing.

"He's gone!!" Someone shouted in panic.

The whole participants threw their sight to the tall man who was standing near the corner. The Man lifted up a mask and a hand grabbed it fast.

"Nagisa..." The father said vaguely as he saw it was Nagisa's mask.

He then looked at Shia who was still sitting calmly on the same spot. Her face was flat as she didn't care about what's had happened to her fiance. The father knew from the start that Shia didn't like Nagisa so much, but he kept forcing the engagement. Her scared expression and cute gestures before was only an act, the father thought so. He released a sigh as he walked to her on her seat.

"Shia, what did you do to Nagisa?" He said by throwing the mask on her laps.

"Tou-sama suspecting me?"

"Did you send someone to kidnap him?" He added.

Shia stood up, "if I say 'yes' do you believe me, tou-sama?" She said while stepping away from him, "what if I kill him, tou-sama?" She gave him a tense glance.

The father was just standing and staring at her, "do what you want.." Said him at last.

The host finally decided to end the party that day due to the sudden incident. Shia clenched her fist and glaring at her father as he stepping out of the room. She threw her sight to the mask on the floor near the chair where she sat before. She took the mask and rubbed it gently as the tear dropped on it.

"Ralph..." She muttered.

The sky was covered by clouds as the gust was dancing around the mansion. The heavy rain was pouring down like a broken tap releasing the water uncontrollably. There's someone with navy hair and sky blue eyes standing near the wide window in the room in the second floor of the mansion. He heard a knock on the door and opened it fast.


"Are you ok, Yasu?" Kiyomitsu worried and he cared Yasusada's cheek.

Yasusada touched Kiyomitsu's hand and kept it on his cheek as a tear flew.

"We will find him.." Kiyomitsu grabbed his hands tight, "I won't let anyone touch him before us!!" He determined, "the one who did that will receive the curse of the guardians..." His scarlet eyes glowing as the lightning snap the room.

(KarmaxNagisa)The Twins of DestructionWhere stories live. Discover now