Chapter 3: Her Fiance

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"Where have you been all day, Shia?" Asked Nagisa as he saw the long black haired girl stepping into the living room.

A cynical stare stung him as the girl walked away to the other direction. A vein popped out on his head and he was about to chase her as he felt someone behind him.

"Is that how you respect your fiance, Shia!?" A deep heavy voice paralyzed him; it's the father, "he asked you and you have to give him an answer!"

The father was standing beside him, tapping his shoulder and dragging him to Shia who was about to step her feet on the stairs. After that, he just left them behind. The father was abusive, indeed, but at some point he could behave wisely. Respect was his priority in his life, but Nagisa couldn't understand him at all since he could go crazy anytime. As the figure of the father was gone, he sighed heavily.

"Tou-sama is in a good mood today.." Nagisa smiled.

"I think so.." Shia avoided Nagisa's smile and stepping away.

Nagisa grabbed Shia's hand to hold her, "answer my question first, Shia!"

"Just walking___" Shia's eyes widen as she saw Nagisa's hands wrapped in bandages, "what's this, Nagi-kun?"

Nagisa pulled and hid his hands quickly before Shia could touch it, "it's nothing.. I was___"

She dragged him by holding his wrist to a certain room in the second floor. The only room in this floor where no one could enter but the mother was at the corner. It had a large wooden door with a classic carving on it. It felt like if someone dare to open the door without permission, they might be crushed by the queen. Nagisa gulped as Shia pushed the door without knocking and rushed in to the mother who was sitting behind the desk. Would it be ok? Nagisa's face was full of sweat of fear. A tense stare scanning them as they came closer to the desk. The mother stood bolt upright and one thing on Nagisa's mind was only 'I'm dead'.

"Kaa-sama! What have you done to Nagi-kun!?" Shia's voice echoing in the room.

The mother outstretched her hands then hugging Shia tenderly, "I'm sorry, Shia my dear.. I have to give him a lesson so that he won't do anything carelessly next time.. Sorry for scratching him, Shia..."

"I already told kaa-sama and tou-sama not to touch Nagi-kun, didn't I? He's the only thing I have.."

Nagisa didn't look surprise with Shia's words just now. The engagement was a force from both sides of the head of two families. Nagisa's family and Karma's family were an alliance of something that Nagisa himself couldn't catch it. Could it be that they're mafia? No one knew including Nagisa and Karma. The children were forbidden to ask about that. The family's issue was too deep to be dug.

"Shia, what do you think about Karma-kun?" Nagisa started the conversation between them while Shia was treating his palms in her room.

"Why should I give my opinion about that sadistic prankster?" Said Shia calmly.

The way she said was different with her heart. Nagisa could feel more pain as she tapped the cotton on the wounds roughly, but still Nagisa gave his gentle smile. Shia was mysterious and her hobby was disappearing and showing up randomly even at home. She didn't say a word about what did she do out there. Nagisa ever tried to ask her, but as usual she ignored him and just presented him a glowing tense ruby glare that shut his mouth at once. She's not as cold as this before that incident which stole her precious one from her. At first, Shia was cheerful, kind and care for others; including her older brothers. That was the only thing Nagisa could remember as it blured away when he stung by a strong pain on his palms again. Struggle wouldn't free him from her, so he didn't have a choice but enduring the pain.

"It's done.." Said Shia as she wrapped Nagisa's hands, "don't work for at least three days.. I will tell kaa-sama and tou-sama about this..."

"Thank you, Shia.. But I'm ok.. I will do the chores as usual..." Nagisa insisted, "besides, your brother needs me, doesn't he?" He stepped out of the room.

It wasn't Shia's true self. She did that just because of showing her respect to her fiance under the order of her parents. For her, Nagisa wasn't more than a pet of the family. Though he's only a pet, she, no the rest of the family needed him as a rare display at some events of the gathering of rich people. The wounds and bruises on his body should be healed before the event which came at anytime and anywhere. One thing he knew was his family was the first rank of one of the richest families, but he had no idea why did they send him into this abusive family as the youngest daughter's fiance. Did his family left him behind? His tears flew as he put the meals in front of the small door of the storage room in the backyard. This was the only place where he could calm his mind and heart. The place where his precious person stay.

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