Eyes On Me ~ Melody 3

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A red head girl skipped excitedly along the street. She's humming a song which became her favorite recently.

"I wonder if Sym is here today.." Said she playfully, "it's been 2 weeks she's gone and I couldn't even find her.." She sighed, "she's sure a pro at hide and seek.."

The cold breeze of the dusk stroke her hair as she touched the knob of the bar's door. It's colder than days before, she thought with a little bit shiver. Her eyes staring at the sky for seconds.

"It's almost Winter, isn't it?" She mumbled while opening the door slowly.

She stepped in and scanning the situation in that bar. The view was still the same as always; she releasing a gentle smile then walked away. Ignoring some people who blocked her way to her favorite spot, she took another turn and fell herself in the armchair in the corner of the bar. It was her throne and fortunately, no one interested in that spot, like there was a 'reserved' sign on it. Before she could touched the menu book on the table, a long black haired girl stepping on the stage followed by a sweet piano play. She's so lucky this day. She decided to enjoy the song; it's not like she would be kicked out from that bar just because she didn't take any order. Everyone, included the tenchou enjoyed the song very much. The song was very calm and romantic. By listening to that, they could refresh their mind and heart due to daily stress. While she's enjoying the song, a shadow figure popped out on her mind that made her eyes wide open. Who was that? Was it a girl or a boy? She puzzled and a sweat dropped on her face.

"Why this song sounds familiar?"

She felt like had heard the song somewhere, however no matter how hard she tried, in the end she couldn't remember a thing. There's something about the song and she decided to speak with Symphony about the song. She got the title of the song but still it didn't help her. What's with the song itself? It wasn't a certain song which anyone could sing it easily; she thought.

Kohaku grabbed Symphony's shoulders in sudden, "how do you know this song and whose song is it, Sym?"

At this point Symphony could only open her mouth with no words came out and threw her sight away, avoiding eye contact with Kohaku. It wasn't good to hide something from her; Symphony knew that but she didn't have any other choice.

"No need to spill it out if you don't want to, Sym.." Kohaku smiled, "I'm just thinking that I have heard your song before.. and.. Someone was with me.." She furrowing her eyebrows, trying to remember.

"Someone?" Symphony was curious.

"Umm... I think so or it's just my imagination?" Kohaku mumbling by herself unclearly while walking out of the bar.

Symphony chuckled, "she's still the same as always with the short term memory.." She looked at the direction where Kohaku went, "don't let your curiosity bites you back, Kohaku-chan.." She whispered.

"With whom you're talking to, Symphony?" The tenchou walked in the room-behind the bar.

"No one.." Symphony bowed then left.

The tenchou sighed, "mysterious like usual... I wonder why does she ask me to keep the table in the corner remain empty?"


A pair of creepy red eyes appeared in her dream with a hum of someone which echoing in her head. The hum was unclear, but as her eyes snapped open the remain of the hum stopped followed by a word.

"Shia" she mumbled by giving a stare at Symphony who was still singing on the stage.

Symphony could feel Kohaku's stare, so she gave her a small smile as a sign that she knew something.

(KarmaxNagisa)The Twins of DestructionWhere stories live. Discover now