Chapter 7: To The Party 1

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The blue haired boy had a far away look on his eyes as he's done in serving the meals for the inmate.

"...and this one is my dinner, right Nagisa?" Said Karma.

"Right... Bye for now, Karma-kun..." Said Nagisa desperately then walked away.

Nagisa's steps sounded heavy and his dejected eyes were gazing out at the sky. His heart was clouded by uneasy feeling since the morning he opened his eyes. The day he woke up was the day of the house party of one of the father's friends, or should it say as business rival. Not really easy to join the party as they had some conditions. The only condition that bothered this blue head boy was the participants should bring something, whether it living things or non-living things, to be exhibited at one another during the party. Some of them commonly would show off their rare jeweleries or rare animals, but not for the head of the house where this blue boy lived. He's the only one who had the invaluable things that had won in every party. He had a pair of the crystal clear ruby red eyes and the blue boy. The winner would receive something that no one knew included the children. It might be money, gold or even a title. This time was different since the father had lost one of his collections. The father's mood was bad this time. He's not sure that he would win. He even almost slap Shia's cheek just because she said that she didn't want to wear the mask. Yes, the mask just for the human as the living things exhibition; it only covering the forehead until the nose. Everything was so wrong in this kind of party.

"Na.. Nagi-kun..." Shia grabbed Nagisa's hand tight behind him as they stepped into the lux wide hall.

"Don't worry, Shia.. I'm here.." Said Nagisa calmly, "I know that you don't like this kind of party, but___"

"WELL... WELL...." Shouted someone behind them, "if it isn't the Lord of the Red house.." He added.

The fat old man stepped slowly to the father who was standing in front of Nagisa and Shia with a smirk on his ugly face. As he arrived, he adjusted his small circle spectacle on his right eye to make sure that he greeted the right person. The father put his fake smile then gave him a handshake.

"Now... Let's see that you can win this time, Lord Red..." The old man loughed as he glared at Nagisa and Shia, "see you later..." He gave a sign to his attendant behind him to follow him.

Nagisa and Shia were paralyzed as they saw the father's eyes were releasing a deathly glare at the old man just now. He might kill him for sure, Nagisa gulped.

"Tou-sama is really mad..." Said Shia vaguely while grabbing Nagisa's hand tighter.

Shia's shoulders were quivering and it's the first time Nagisa saw her like that. Shia wasn't afraid of her parents since they spoiled her so much, even the father sometimes scolding her, but it's just a usual scolding. This time, Shia didn't even say a word to the father after she saw his glare. She's just sitting on the chair with Nagisa in the main party room.

"Shia, you want a drink? I will take it___"

Nagisa's move was paused as he saw Shia's hand tugged his right sleeve.

"Don't leave me.." Shia whispered.

She's so cute like this, Nagisa smiled gently, "ok then.. You can come with me to the table over there..." He pointed at a certain table.

Shia nodded and when they were about to stepped their feet, there's someone held them by standing right in front of them. This person was still young and he didn't wear a mask. Even if he's so handsome but in this situation, he's too dangerous to be talked to. His cynical eyes staring at them from top to toe with one of his hand touching his chin. What's with him? Nagisa could do nothing this time, because of the other condition. The 'human' should not say a word to the participants during the party.

"So, this is the new pair... Well, wish you luck, 'humans'..." He smirked then left.

After they got the drink and snacks, they're back at the spot before. They enjoyed the free time before the father called them to show them off to all the participants in that room.

"So, you make them as a new pair, Lord Red?" Said the same young man as he stepped to Nagisa and Shia with the father beside him.

Nagisa's heart throbbed fast as he saw the father's tense eyes locking at him. He nodded slowly with no word came out. He then tapped Nagisa's shoulder and brought him with them; left Shia behind. Nagisa could only look at Shia dejectedly that he couldn't accompany her this time. He saw tears flew on her cheeks as a sign that she's really scared. Her ruby eyes was covered by cloud as her thought started to scan the situation at that time. She saw Nagisa in the distance was crowded by people in black suit. What would they do to him?

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