Chapter 14: You're My Nagisa

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The sky was completely covered by gray cloud once more as the storm was rampaging outside. The lighting and the thunder became a song which was escorting the deathly view in one of the rooms in the mansion of Red. There's a figure of a girl with black pearl hair who was lying down near the bed with her ruby red eyes which were no longer sparkling as before, like a dim lamp. Meanwhile, the other figure was laying on the bed wallowed by the fresh blood. Someone who was trembling beside the dead vessel on the bed dragged his thought back to the time before this nightmare came.

It's the new refreshing morning, with a bit cloudy outside, for the blue head guy who was already sitting on the bed with a book on his hands, while waiting for someone who was still sleeping soundly beside him. His sleeping face brought comfort to his heart that made his hand automatically cared the red head guy gently. A short flashback of the night before made his face blushed a bit. Then a sudden move of the red head guy jolted him at once.

"Good morning, Nagisa.." Said the red head guy by locking Nagisa's hands, "don't you dare to touch me right now.. Or you will end up crying and begging for my mercy.." Threatened Karma with a keener glowing amber eyes of him.

"Ka.. Karma-kun..." Nagisa gulped in fear.

With his malicious face and a creepy grin on his face, Karma closed his face to Nagisa's face. Karma could even hear Nagisa's heart beat throbbed fast. Nagisa blushed hard as Karma's forehead touched his forehead. Knowing that he couldn't free from this situation-he might be didn't mean it-he shut his eyes due to max level of nervous. His face was as hot as a kettle, which had boiled water in it, and it might be could release smoke. His head was dizzy and before he collapsed, Karma hugged him tight.

"See, you had fever.." Karma sighed, "just don't ask how do I know.."

"Is.. That.. So.. No wonder that I feel dizzy since yesterday.." Nagisa was panting heavily, "now.. My eyes are heavy.."

Karma let Nagisa to lay down then covering him with the blanket; until his shoulders. He then looking for some medicines in the cabinets in that room and when he found it, he let Nagisa to drink it. Nagisa's condition was worse than days before. He's paler and his body was more fragile. Karma was sure that Nagisa didn't have much time left.

"It's weird.. How come he becomes like this just because of some drugs.." Karma grumbling by grabbing Nagisa's hand tight, "no.. It's not because of that.. But.. What is it?"

"Ka.. Karma-kun... You're there?" Whispered Nagisa without opening his eyes.

"I'm here, Nagisa.."

"Please.. Don't hate me.." The tears flew on Nagisa's cheeks.

"I won't hate you! Just don't say stupid things, Nagisa!"

Nagisa held his cry that made him stuttering, "... Maybe... I.. Won't be able... With you.. Again.. Karma-kun.. I've reached my limit.."

Karma's shocked by Nagisa's words just now. What was that mean? Was that a goodbye words for him? Karma couldn't say a word toward him nor even a single move. His thought and heart were stung and he felt broken in his heart.

"Just.. Don't.. Hate me.." Nagisa sobbed.

Didn't know what's happening to his precious one, Karma pulled Nagisa's hand then hugged him tight. Nagisa's still couldn't open his eyes and it's like that he's talking while sleeping unconsciously. Karma knew that his time would come soon but his heart still not ready yet to face this.

"No.. Nagisa.. Please don't say anything.." Said Karma tightening his hug.

"I'm no longer Nagisa you know, Karma-kun.." Nagisa's eyes snapped open and pushed Karma back off.

"What do you mean, Nagisa?" Karma's heart throbbed fast and a sweat dropped on his face.

Like the nature knew the right time to go crazy outside. The gust and the thunder were dancing around and echoing in the whole room. The perfect view of a nightmare which would come in any moment.

"He told me the truth.." Nagisa's eyes were full of tears, "Ralph is not dead.."

As Nagisa said that, the light of the lightning snapped the room. Karma's body was paralyzed by Nagisa's words just now.

"I can't be with you anymore, Karma-kun.." Nagisa covered his face in frustration, "this Nagisa is not the real Nagisa.."

Karma's eyes widen, ""

Ignoring the unclear Nagisa's words, Karma hugged him again tighter and tried to calm him.

"I don't understand and I don't care about it.. For me.. You're Nagisa.. You're my Nagisa___"

Karma's jolted as he felt a sharp pain on his back. He glanced behind him and he saw a long black haired girl was there with calmly smiling at him.

"He's my Nagisa, Karma-nii.." Said her lightly.

(KarmaxNagisa)The Twins of Destructionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن