Eyes On Me ~ Melody 1

90 5 2

She's not always there, but when she's there the atmosphere could be refreshed instantly. Shinning and sparkling bright like the stars; elegant and calm like a rose; charming and charismatic like a princess. She's so perfect with her crystal clear sharp ruby eyes which could freeze your heart.

Her steps were so soft, so that she could distract people's attention from her. Her long straight black hair slided behind her as she stepped her feet on the small stage in one of the sides of a small bar.

The sweet melody came out as someone played the white grand piano near the stage. His fingers were running here and there on it like it was a playground. He closed his eyes, enjoying his play for seconds then slowing down the tempo and synchronizing with the singer. Revealing her feeling to all the customers there, she released her melodic voice. She drowned the customers with her soft voice though her song sounded different this day; it's so sad and gloomy. Not many customers noticed that, but they could still enjoy the song.

"Whenever sang my songs... On the stage... On my own..."

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