Chapter 5: The Twins 1

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The blue haired boy was gazing at the sky while walking to the storage room in the backyard with a tray in his hands.

"Ralph..." He mumbled, "what a short life you have.."

As he arrived, he knocked the door as a sign that the meals ready. The inmate was pulling the tray in slowly like usual and this time he seemed calmer than days before.

"Hee~ you bring me some snacks too? Thanks, Nagisa.."

Nagisa chuckled then sitting down by leaning his back on the door, "say, Karma-kun... I wonder why Shia is so cold now? She was once so cute and kind.." He hugged his knees.

"Shia..." Karma sighed, "she's always with Ralph and no one could separate them.. Until I killed him..."

Nagisa's heart throbbed fast at that time. He gulped and his mouth was freezing as his whole body was paralyzed by Karma's words.

"Even if I say that I'm not the culprit, no one believes me... I have given up in defending myself..." Karma yawned, "it's only a matter of time, until 'he' comes here and kills me... Let's see how long I can have this living vessel..."

Nagisa stood bolt upright, "Karma-kun!" He said by hitting the door, "please... Don't say___" His shoulders were quivering.

Nagisa's heart was hurt by Karma's words just now. He wanted him to know that he's still in his side even if no one cared of him. He's his ally, but still Karma didn't even think about it. Who was he for him? Was he only a certain person who had nothing to do with him? The tears flowing down on his cheeks that made him bumped on someone as he rushed into the mansion. This person had navy hair tied up as a pony tail with sapphire eyes which glanced at him at once. Nagisa bowed automatically and apologizing to him.

"You cry again?" Said the navy guy.

Nagisa startled then threw his sight at him fast. It seemed like he knew this guy, but he's not sure of something. He brought a nostalgic feeling and his eyes brought calmness.

"" Said Nagisa vaguely.

"Yo, Nagi-kun..." Yasusada smiled.

Nagisa's body moved by itself toward him and hugging him slowly. He cried louder this time and Yasusada rubbed his head gently, "there.. there.. Nagi-kun..." Yasusada tried to calm him.

"Looks like your crybaby little brother won't let you go..." A calm voice greeted them.

"Kiyomitsu!?" Yasusada startled as Kiyomitsu tapped his shoulder, "Nagi-kun.. " He worried.

"Sorry, yasu-nii... Thank you for comforting me... I'm ok now..." Nagisa smiled and stepping away.

"Ralph and Shia are our precious twins baby..." Said Kiyomitsu as he fell himself on the sofa near him.

Yasusada sat beside him also while Nagisa was only standing rather far from them and a bit interested in the topic.

"They're special... They're born to be loved by tou-sama and kaa-sama..." Added Kiyomitsu.

What was that? A sweat dropped on Nagisa's face. Why did Kiyomitsu say like he knew that Nagisa wanted to discuss about the twins with Karma before? Again Nagisa felt that there's something. He's just standing and staring at Yasusada and Kiyomitsu who were still sitting on the sofa. An uneasy feeling disrupted him so much that he stepped away from them.

"What is it again? It's like I missed something..." Nagisa mumbled while washing the dishes, "why is he here? But wait.." he paused his work and turned his sight to the living room where Yasusada and Kiyomitsu were.


A voice from another direction jolted him, "Shia.."

As usual she gave him a tense glare for seconds then unexpectedly she gave a hand in washing the dishes. A small smile automatically pasted on his face. Nagisa knew that she didn't do it by her own will, it might be the parents asked her to do it just for a formality, since there's a guest; but it's more than enough for him.

"Say, Nagi-kun.. Did you see the whole incident?" Said Shia.

It's rare that Shia started the conversation calmly, but the topic changed the feel around them instantly. The flash back of nightmare which was sleeping on his mind all the time, awakened at once after Shia's words just now.

"You're there and saw him, right?" Shia glanced at Nagisa.

Nagisa's lips were locked and his hands trembling. He didn't know how to start this kind of conversation. How could he tell her about that creepy view of her twin brother?

(KarmaxNagisa)The Twins of DestructionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin