Chapter 6: Red Eyes

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Dixey's POV


I heard the crack in her voice, which almost made me cry, but I didn't. I turned to my friends and clasped to the ground.

*inside Dixeys head*

When I opened my eyes, I was in the penthouse. We all have one in our minds, just not all people know about them. Mine is calm, filled with board games and memories. All penthouses have all of that person's memories. Happy and sad, good, and bad. All of them. This is where either Bailey or I am when the other is in control. But this time, Bailey was here too.

"Good to see you awake," Bailey said.


"Please Dixey, talk to me!"


"It was self-defense, Dixey! If I didn't do it, then we would've died! I can't live without you, Dixey."

I was sitting up on the couch now. She came up to me, tears were streaming down her face. She went down to her knees in front of me. She held my hands in hers, gently, but still had a grip. I looked down at our hands and squeezed them.

"Please, just say something," Bailey pleaded.


"Dixey, I can't live without you talking to me and being there with me."

Tears steemed in my eyes, and I let them fall. I pulled Bailey into a hug, and she hugged me back.

"I j-just don't w-want you t-to g-get hurt," I said in between hiccups.

"I don't want you to get hurt either," she said.

Amanda's POV

We were in the waiting room of the hospital. It's been 3 days since the park incident, and Dixey still wouldn't wake up. Then the doctor came in.

"Wow! You're still here," said the doctor, "She's awake."

We all look at each other and walked into the room, where our friend laid. Her eyes were open now, well, half-open. The bandages were still around her head where the rock hit her, but the rest was off.

"Hey, guys," the person on the bed said.

We all turned around to see if the doctor was out of hearing range. Once we saw he wasn't anywhere to be seen, we turned around again.

"Who are you?" asked Andrew.

"Dixey, my friends," she replied.

"Dixey!" we shouted at the same time. We all ran to her and grasped her in a hug.

"OW, OW, OW!" she shouted. We all backed away, and she started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" asked Shyla.

"Pain is hilarious," she replied, "What happened to me?" She looked around at everything she was hooked up to.

There was an IV, but nothing else serious. She reached up to her head and felt the bandages. She looked up at us, worry and confusion was all over her face.

"When Patrick hit you with the rock, he did more damage than you think," I began to say, "The blow was just hard enough to fill your brain with blood. It wasn't hard enough though to fill your head quickly."

"You've been out for 3 days Dixey," Andrew finished.

"How's school been?" Dixey asked.

"F-fine, but you not worried about what happened to you?!? You could have died!" I told her.

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