Chapter 9: Amilia

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Shyla's POV

We all sat in a circle in the park, Bailey having her journal out again, and the rest of us sitting in silence. I was still thinking of what that saying meant by, I know what you did. What did Fiona do? Why did the murderer do something as gruesome as cutting Fiona's fingers and toes off? My thoughts were interrupted by Bailey's voice.

"Are we all ready to go to another house yet?" She asked us.

We were all too shocked to speak. We had just screamed out our voice boxes from one house, and now she wants us to see another?

"Hello? Anyone there?" she asked us, grinning.

"Sorry Bailey, but it's getting late. We should probably head home, being that it's a school night," I responded.

"Wait, what time is it?" Bailey asked. She stood up and looked panicked.

"7:34, why?" answered Andrew, checking his watch.

"Crap! Dixey, you're the faster runner, so take over and run!" shouted Bailey, not caring if we heard or not.

She began to run away but didn't get far. Once again, Amanda tackled Dixey to the ground, her bright blue eyes filled with fear.

"Dixey?" I said with confusion.

"Who else has blue eyes, Shyla. Amanda let me go!" Bailey screamed at Amanda.

Dixey pushed Amanda off of her and started to run again. Luckily I was in her way, and she ran right into me, taking us both down. Before she could get back up to run again, both Andrew and I took her shoulders to the ground while Amanda pinned her legs down. She struggled to get free but had no avail.

"Dixey, why are you running this time?" Asked Andrew.

"Bailey left a note at our house saying that we would be home by 7. I'm already grounded, I don't need to be double grounded," Dixey's eyes were going from blue to red and vice versa.

"Dixey, calm down," I told her.

"Let me go!" She yelled back.

"Stop struggling!" I ordered.

"Let her go, Fiona!" Dixey's eyes were red when she said this.

We all looked at her, now with even more questions.

"What did you say?" I asked in more of a whisper to her.

Bailey's POV

Why the heck did you just say that?!

That memory came back, I couldn't help it!

You wha-....Apologize to herl, this instance!

But I-.

Don't 'but' me, Bailey! Apologize NOW!

"I apologize for my actions. A hurtful memory came back and I-. Just know that it was a bad memory and that I'm sorry for yelling at you," I said.

"We forgive you but, was the memory of Fiona?" Amanda said, with a look of comfort in her eyes.

"Yes, but that's all I'm going to say," I said. I didn't want to look them in the eye at that point. The memory came back, and it was overbearing.

My instinct to protected Dixey take control and I yelled what I had yelled at Fiona on that day. She didn't let her go, though. Laughter, that's all I could remember, Fiona and her friends laughing at us. I shook my head and let Dixey take control again.

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