Chapter 23: The End

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---in the past---

Bailey's POV

I don't know what I did but Dixey won't talk to me. IT'S BEEN A WHOLE WEEK!!! All I want to do is say 'Hi' and all I ever get is either a scoff or an eye roll. I just want my Dixey back.

I finished up writing in my journal and flipped to Rachel's page. I've gotten everyone down but Rachel, and she's the hardest one. I can't find out her weakest point. Everyone else is easy, but Rachel is different. Rachel is the only one talking to me anymore, so to find her weakness will be a challenge. The thing is, I have Dixey's weakness but not Rachel's. Guess I'm just closer to Rachel than I am to Dixey.

I closed my journal and stood up from the park bench. The air was crisp but warm. I wore a T-shirt, jeans, and Dixey's jacket.

I need to give this back to her at some point. I thought to myself. I walked through the path that our town has running through the middle of it. It was a nature walk where you could walk, run, or ride your bike down. I normally walked down it and to the tree Dixey and I always sat by.

I climbed the tree to the second branch, sitting down and leaning on the tree. I opened my journal again and looked at the diagram I drew of Fiona's house. After a hour or so, I heard footsteps coming closer. I looked up to see that Dixey was heading towards me, her head was down so I thought that she couldn't see me.

Dixey climbed the tree and sat on the branch next to me, her head still low. I didn't say anything, but I could see that her checks were stained with tears. It had been a week since she went over to Wendy's and I had a feeling that something happened over there that made her hate me.

Dixey brushed a strand of hair behind her ear as she pulled out her phone. She typed in her pass code and passed the phone to me. I took it and looked down at the dim screen. They were texts, from me to Wendy. They said that I thought Dixey was pushing me to do things that I shouldn't and that I didn't want to be friends with her anymore.

I didn't send those. I don't know who did, but I didn't.


It was so quiet I almost didn't hear it, but I thought that question over and over again. I didn't know why, but that's because I didn't do this. But will Dixey believe me? I let out a sigh and looked over the screen carefully. Looking towards the top of the phone, I saw that the number wasn't mine. I gave a soft smile and turned to Dixey and told her in a calm voice, "I'm not the one to send this, that's not my number."

Dixey sat up a bit and whipped her head around to face the phone. She looked at the number and her eyes widened. She looked up to me, new tears threatening to fall. When they did, Dixey fell into me.

She let out soft whimpers and shutters as she squeezed me in a tight hug. I heard her trying to make words but her voice wasn't working. I didn't hug her back. How could she ever think that I would say something like that. She knows me better than that, or at least I thought.

"I'm so sorry."

I couldn't even look at her. Everything in my body was telling me to support Dixey, but my heart was too broken to do it. Every sob she made ringed through my ears. The tight grip she had on the jacket burned.

"It didn't look like your phone number, but it looked like you texting. You never liked to put in conjunctions while you texted. And you always put so many commas in instead of stopping the sentence. I never thought that you would say anything like that, but it looked like it was you."

I pushed her away and climbed down the tree. I can't take it anymore. If she trusted me even a little bit, then we wouldn't have been having this conversation. We wouldn't both be crying right now.

I Know What You DidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora