Chapter 11: Wendy

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Amanda's POV

"Rise and shine everyone! Come on, it's 12 in the afternoon people, get up," I heard a joyful voice say.

My first thought was that it was Shyla, but then I heard Andrew wine in pain, and I knew who it was.

"Come on Bailey, five more minutes," whined Shyla.

"Nope, get up or we won't be able to see Wendy's lifeless body," I heard her say.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. When I looked around, Andrew was up and yawning and Shyla was trying to hide under the covers as Bailey was pulling on them.

"Llama get your butt up now before I drop an elbow on you."

As soon as that was said, Shyla was up and ran out of the room while the rest of us had a good laugh. I looked over at Bailey and thought, 'how is she so happy after what happened last night?'.

"Well guys, get dressed and freshen up. We need to look our best of our long dead friend," Bailey exclaimed.

It took us all about 25 minutes to get ready, Shyla taking the longest.

"So where are we going again?" Andrew asked with a yawn.

"Over to Wendy's house. She was killed in her backyard," Bailey stated.

"How long will that take?" I then asked.

"About 20 minutes or so. It won't take long to get in because she died at her house. Lucky us, right?" Answered Bailey. No one answered, we were too tired.

We walked for about 15 minutes in silence, until I had to ask Bailey something that was bothering me all morning.

"Hey, Bailey?" I asked.

"Yes," she said without looking at me.

"Are you and Dixey ok?"

She stopped in her tracks and turned to face all of us, who were following behind.

"We're fine Shooting Star. We're one person, so if we don't get along it's not like we can hate each other forever. Dixey's just going to take the day off because of the events of last night." She turned back around walked.

We followed her with smiles. I was happy that everything was fine between them. If things weren't,  then who knows what will happen.

We came to the house of Wendy's body. We all looked around and ran to the back. There was a small white gate and fence to close off the backyard, which was easy to open since the lock was on our side. Before we were inside the backyard, the smell of burning flesh was in the air.

Shyla's POV

It was a neat backyard, clean too. There was a navy blue picnic table, a black grill, and a beautiful flower bed that was filled with Daisies, Carnations, and Pansies.

"Do you know what meaning of the flowers are?" asked Bailey who was feeling a row of Carnations.

"Flowers have meanings?" asked Andrew. I was wondering the same thing. In my eyes, the color of the flower ment more than the actual meaning of the flower that I didn't know it had.

"Of course they do, Ice. Everything has a meaning, whether it be a flower or a person's name," Bailey picked off one of the Pansies and held it gently in her hands.

"Why are you telling us this?" Amanda asked. Andrew and I nodded.

"You can tell a lot from a person based on what their house looks like. Going from as small as their well-kept lawn to as big as their paint job on the house. In this case, it's their flowers. Pansies mean loving thoughts, which means that the family loved eachother very much. A Daisy means innocence, meaning that the family is very careful about the law and not to break it. This one really makes sense considering that the father is becoming a cop. The final flower," Bailey stopped. She picked a carnation from the bed and set the Pansy down. Holding the carnation in her hands, she closed her eyes and continued, "Carnations meant gratitude, which meant the family was thankful."

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