Chapter 12: Pacifica

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Andrew's POV


"How about you say that to my face you jerk!" Shouted Amanda. This was the 5th car to honk at us and it was getting annoying.

"Stop giving them attention, you're only giving them what they want," Bailey reminded us.

We were on our way to Ford Motor Company, where Pacifica's dad works. It would take us an hour to get there and an hour to get back. We had our bikes with us and were at least 30 minutes away from our destination.

"Whoever killed this one either owns a car, knows someone that would drive them up here, or has no bones in their body to walk or ride a bike this far without hurting something," I said.

"Does anyone know anything we could do to pass the time so we can get our minds off of the pain?" Amanda asked.

"How about a song?" offered Shyla.

"NO!" shouted Amanda and me.

"Come on, we still have 25 minutes to go. We need something that fits the mood," Shyla responded. We were all quiet, Shyla trying to think of what to sing when I heard a small whisper.

"I can't decide," We all looked around to find where the voice was coming from.

"Whether, you should live or die," The voice was a bit louder, but we still couldn't find where it was coming from.

"Oh, you'll probably go to heaven," It was coming from in front of us.

"Please don't hang your head and cry, no wonder why," Found it.

"Bailey?" We all said.

She stopped the bike and turned around with a smile on her face, and it wasn't scary for once. We stopped our bikes as well. "Sorry guys, it's Dixey's favorite song and with her having a bad night last night, I thought it would make her feel better," she informed us.

"No, keep going. Dixey should hear it," I said to her, "Besides, it's a great song."

Her eyes flashed blue for a moment, then she turned back around and pedaled forward. We followed her and listened to her sing.

"My heart feels dead inside. It's cold and hard and petrified. Lock the doors and close the blinds were going for a ride."

"Oh I could throw you in the lake," I heard Amanda sing. Bailey, still pedaling, turned and grinned at her, then back again.

"Or feed you poison Birthday cake," Bailey continued.

"I won't deny I'm gonna miss you when you're gone," they sang together.

"Oh I could bury you alive," Shyla added in.

"But you might crawl out with a knife," I went in.

"And kill me, when I'm sleeping," Bailey said.

"That's why," We all sang together.

"I can't decide, whether, you should live or die. Oh, you'll probably go to heaven. Please don't hang your head and cry. Know wonder why. My heart feels dead inside. It's cold and hard and petrified. Lock the doors and close the blinds," We all sang.

"We're going for a ride," A familiar voice sang.

We all heard laughter from Bailey's direction. We all looked at each other, then pedaled forward more to be in line with the red-eyed girl. I was to the right of her, Amanda to the left with Shyla following right after.

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