Chapter 20: Guilty

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Dixey's POV

They've come back to us. Did they figure it out yet? No, they all wanted answers, so of course not.

Bailey... please listen. They're back... they came back. Say something Bailey, they're here to help us.

Still nothing.

Time: 6:20       Time left:  1 hour and 30 minuets

"Dixey, please tell us how to get you and Bailey out of there," Shyla said.

I took a deep breath and told them the instructions, "Go back outside to the office area. Once there, you'll need to go through the other door to your left, it will say 'Officers Only'. When your there, go through straight ahead to the end, there, you will see a clipboard."

I had to stop, it was hard to breathe.  Bailey had made it so much easier to get oxygen, but now she wasn't much of anything.

"Dixey? You ok?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah," I reasoned, my voice cracking a little, "Once you're at the broad, don't look at what's on it, but just look for a key. It will be the only key there, and will be labeled 'Killers Key', don't ask why."

Once I finished, I heard their footsteps walk away, and I sighed.

If only I could tell them.

Andrew's POV

We followed the directions Dixey told us and made it to the board. However, we didn't listen to one of the steps Dixey told us.

"Look at all of this. It's like they've been searching for months instead of weeks,"  Shyla insisted.

"I agree. I mean, everything they have here, it's just as much as we got, but I think they have one thing that we don't." Amanda said.

I looked harder at the board. Everything we had, they have. There wasn't anything there that we didn't have. I turned to Amanda, ready to ask her what it was.


"They had common sense to know who did it," Amanda said, not listening to the voice behind us.

We all turned around, ready for who it was, the girl. The spirit who was at Rachel's house.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I've come to tell you that you're making a mistake. All of the evidence you have, you know who it all points to," the girl said.

I looked down at the stone floor... I knew. I didn't want to know that my best friend committed all of this, but there was no getting around it. She did it.

"There's no way Dixey did all of this though. It must have been Bailey," Amanda yelled, anger filling in her eyes.

"Ask her yourself, but please hear me out. You can't let her go. She's going back to the place you were at before, the pathway. Once there... I don't know if you'll survive," the girl finished.

"There's no way that Dixey or Bailey would ever kill us just because we found out! There's no wa-," Shyla screamed.

"Listen to me! Dixey and Bailey use to be friends with all of those girls, before-," the girl cut short, covering up her mouth. She never finished.

There was silent in the room, and I grabbed the key from the board. "Dixey and Bailey have been friends of ours since we can remember, if they kill us, it would only be in good reason. I don't know about you girls, but I'm getting them out and I'm getting answers."

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