This NEEDS to be said.

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Thanks To @Marshmallow_Writes For making this update possible😋

So she mentioned that Mark and Jack have been barely connecting and stuff, well there is a rumor going around like something went wrong between them. My first conspiracy is maybe Mark and Jack decided to end Septiplier, to just be normal friends. You could tell like 1-2 years ago how cute they got around each's kinda like Jack got hit with a bus and lost his memory and barely connects with Mark. If you're confused that never actually happened 😂

Now this second one might be an actually reason because I have hope in this one. 😂
Wasn't Singe Dating Jack 1-2 Years Ago? Singe was fine with "Septiplier" and shit but...Mark And Amy...They have been together for what seems to be 1 year now. Maybe Amy is kinda uncomfortable thinking about Jack and Mark like that. She probably hates it. If not she may not like it.

Hasn't Mark changed in general? He seems so different. More private and suspicious. He can be private all he wants but I mean...he's changed. It's weird. I've always said his hair meant these things.

Black- Normal Silly Mark
Pink- Cute and sweet
Blue- Emotional
Red- Unknown

❤️Roses Are Red❤️
💙Violets Are Blue💙
💚Pink is well shown💚
💜Blue is alone💜
💛But Red Is Very, Very Unknown💛

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