Why would they do this? (EDITED)

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     I just got a notification saying that my book is out of the guidelines or something. It said my book was getting people confused so basically to make it easier they are saying...
I'm getting people confused by ranking it non-fiction so they moved it to random
I'm out of guidelines because I somehow expose people
I'm digging into people personal life and they think I'm hacking to have known all this information about people like Amy (IM NOT!)
The last words scared me...they said if I don't stop writing this book they might take it down...

What did I ever do?

I'm not exposing people nor a hacker. That really offends me and I can't believe they would do this. Honestly the notification I read said Might. Might take it down? It's a yes or no and if they take this book down I'm going somewhere else and writing stories.

Don't they just know I could change my book back to non-fiction like really?

Thanks a lot wattpad 😡

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