Poor Colo

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🌹Roses Are Red🌹
🙅🏼Clowns Are Near🙅🏼
👍🏻It Would Be Better👍🏻
😎If Harambe Was Here😎
   😖But It's Too Late😖
🌑Many Gorillas Down🌑
    😘My Baby Colo😘
😭Was Taken By A Clown😭

When My Mom Was pregnant with me she went to the Columbus zoo with my dad a lot. There at the Columbus zoo was Colo the gorilla. Gorillas are amazing and awesome but this one named Colo was her favorite. Colo was old for a gorilla. When I was born the first animal I liked to see at the zoo were gorillas. I would take pictures with Colo through the glass. I had visited The zoo so much that Colo knew me. Just like the elephants. Colo was my favorite ever since I visited the zoo for the first time. Harambe Was sad passing away but Colo was diagnosed with cancer. She was 60 years old! FOR A GORILLA? THATS A WORLD RECORD! Sadly she died. I cried for a while knowing I can't see her anymore...I wouldn't have because of me moving...R.I.P Colo

What's next? Harambe Jr.? 😂😂😂

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