Hold up

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Hey! I forgot to say that I went on vacation for two days. I'll update about things going on after I tell you what happened today.

     Well...this morning I woke up and since the fam was hungry we went to the nearest Carl's Jr. For some food. It was all going good until this homeless lady walks in and yells "FUCK YOU!" She looks over at our table but she mostly looked at me and my 7 year old sister. She was walking to the bathroom and on her way to the bathroom she yells "LEAVE HER ALONE!" Now if you know me very well you'd know I thought she was possessed by a demon and she's yelling at the demon to get out...but that wasn't the case. After she walks into the bathroom she starts screaming random words and the employees come over to us to ask if we were okay since we are just kids. Of course there's my parents but my little sister was the only one who was crying. The girl kept screaming in the bathroom and my dad was like "What if she pulls out a fuckin knife?" (My parents allow me to hear them curse...if only they knew what I watched on youtube😂) After about 3 minutes of her screaming and ripping her hair out (she was since somebody ran into the bathroom and ran back out and told everybody) a women called the cops. This is when things got real.

     The cops arrived and the cops surrounded her asking her what's wrong. She said she had no medicine. The cops asked her what medicine and she said "I have some mental issues and I haven't taken medicine" she came over to everyone saying sorry and how rude she was...but ended up getting arrested anyway since she did hurt a women in the restroom. The women was okay since it was only a lil scratch. The cops came over to us and asked if we were okay and we said yeah. Then the cop got a burrito...yep. The employees started laughing at how weird that was...then they all starting eating...AND THAT was my best experience eating on our vacation. 😂😂😂

     I tried to take a vid but my mom was like NO. We will go to that Carl's Jr. Again so...what's gonna happen next? Btw the first time we were there a couple was fighting so...ya

Merry Almost Christmas! I'll have an update out in awhile!

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