One Last Time

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"I'm a little bit lost without you"

Raven took a deep breathe before walking over to the Barebone household, hair whipping wildly in the wind. She reached out a bare hand for the sliver door knob that seemed to glow in the pale moonlight. She turned the cold knob, finding it locked. Pulling out her wand, she pointed it at the locked door.

"Alohomora" She whispered, watching as a small stream of light left her wand. Raven then turned the knob, quickly opening the door when she heard a child cry. Chasity stood from the table she was sitting at when she saw the red headed woman enter the room.

"What are you doing here? Get out of our house!" She tried to get the woman away before she saw her mother beating Credence.

"Mother, no it's mine, don't hurt Credence." Modesty said, her whimpers echoing in the house. Raven pushed past Chasity, running over to the stairs, where she watched the belt be ripped out of Mary Lou's hands. She went to go pick it up, but the belt flew from her grip again.

"What-" Mary Lou went to ask, when the black, dark magic of an Obscurus burst out and struck her in the chest, pushing her over the railing. She froze in mid-air before falling to the ground with a sickening crack. Chasity let out a scream and both Credence and Modesty looked frightened.

"Credence," Raven said, her voice calming him, "Modesty, could you come her please." Credence began to walk towards the woman who promised to take him away, still holding Modesty's hand.

"Credence," She said, tears in her eyes. He looked back to her, gently pulling her along.

"Don't worry, Mo. She's a friend." He said, trying to convince her, but Modesty shook her head, running past Raven and out the door. He went to run after her, but Raven pulled him into her arms.

"Shh, shh." She patted his hair as she felt tears dropping onto her dress. "It's okay. Modesty will be fine, trust me. I'll go find her." She let him out of her hug, holding him at arms-length. "Are you alright, Credence?" She brushed his hair away from his face, checking him over.

"I'm fine." He said, looking up at her. He showed her his hands to let her know that his mother hadn't hit him. She smiled at him, before noticing something glistening around his neck.

"Credence, what is this?" She asked, gently pulling out the chain. Raven gasped when she saw what was on it. It was Grindelwald's mark. "Who gave this to you?"

"Percival Graves," He mumbled, looking down at his feet. "You're not mad, are you?" She smiled at him, letting the chain drop.

"No, I'm not mad." She pulled him into another hug. "I could never be mad at you. Can you contact him through touching this symbol?" Credence nodded.

"I'm only supposed to contact him when I know who the Obscurus is." He said.

"Well, I think we just saw one." She smiled at him.

"I want you to contact him when I leave and then I'll follow you to Modesty's old home, I think that would be where she went," Raven said a plan formulating in her mind. She walked down the stairs, Credence following shortly after. She pulled out her wand, walking over to a scared Chasity.

"P-please do-don't hurt m- me," She pleaded, tears forming in her eyes.

"Shh, shh it'll be over soon." Raven calmed the crying girl.

"Obliviate," She whispered, placing her wand next Chasity's temple. A glazed look overcame her features and she slumped down to the floor. She then turned to Credence.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon," Raven smiled at the boy. "I'll see you later." She kissed the top of his head before apparating away, leaving Credence all on his own. He looked down at the symbol around his neck, hesitantly touching it. As soon as he did, Percival Graves appeared in the room.

"Where's the Obscurus?" He asked, looking him over for any injuries.

"It's Modesty, she ran away after..." Credence looked at the body on the floor. Percival pointed his wand at Mary Lou's body and it vanished.

"Where would she go?" He turned back to Credence.

"The orphanage, her old home."


Newt was in a rage after they arrived at Macy's; after he had left Raven all by herself, surrounded by Aurors. Tina and Queenie had comforted him, telling him at Raven would have just gone back to the case. After retrieving Dougal and the Occamy, they returned to the rooftop, Newt scrambling down the case with Dougal clinging tightly to his back.

"Raven?" He called, looking around and putting Dougal on the floor to go back to his bed. "Raven? She's not here." He turned to Tina and Queenie who had just climbed down into the case, not noticing Pickett, who was trying to get his attention. "I should have apparated back to the bar as soon we got to Macy's."

"And what good would have that done, Newt!" Tina said, angrily, "That place was crawling with Aurors, you would have gotten arrested as soon as you got there."

"Uh, Newt..." Jacob, who had just joined them in the case, tried to get his attention.

"What if Raven's gotten recaptured," Newt's eyes widened, "What if she's-"

"Newt," Jacob tried again, pointing at Pickett.

"We can't afford to think like that, Newt!" Queenie cried, nearly in tears. Tina instantly went to comfort her younger sister. Jacob drew in a deep breath before trying on last time.

"Newt!" He bellowed, making everyone in the small hut turn to him. "I don't remember anyone bringing Pickett back here." Their eyes turned to the small Bowtruckle, who looked quite feed up with being ignored.

"Raven!" Newt realised, crouching down to Pickett's height. "She brought you back here, right?" Pickett turned his nose up at his friend, ignoring him. "Pickett, I'm sorry I left you and ignored you, but please tell me what happened to Raven." Pickett turned to Newt, nose raised in the air. He blew a raspberry at him, before beginning to click. Tina and Queenie exchanged a look as Newt intently listened to the clicking of the Bowtruckle.

"He can understand that thing?" Jacob asked, quietly, looking to the witches for an explanation. They just shrugged their shoulders, before turning back to watch Newt, who was finishing up his conversation with Pickett.

"He says Raven's alive, safe and well. She brought him back here and then left. She didn't tell Pickett where she was going, but she said that she'll be back soon." Newt explained, letting out a sigh at the end. "She's okay,"

"I told you she would be fine," Tina said, a slight smile growing on her face. Queenie let out a tearful laugh, prompting the group to lapse into giggles and laughs, all sharing the same thought; Raven is okay.     

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