That Pretty Red Dress (Grell x Reader)

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"Willy I'm bored, how much longer until this cow dies?!" I whine at William who replies with a frustrated grunt.

I wave my hands at him in an attempt to get him to listen to me, but all that earns me is a kick to the face.

"Not the face!" I cry out in dismay.

"Just shut it" he adjusts his glasses and sighs.

"Fine" I sit up, rubbing my face.

We're currently on a rooftop waiting for some old woman to die. Quite a boring job but there is a chance I could run into Sebby-Chan! And if not, I still have Willy!

I stand from the ground and look around. It's quite late and there are only a few drunkards out and- oh my what's this?

"Almost Home, I do hope mother will be okay until tomorrow morning" I hear a delicate voice softly speak.

I jump down into an alley and peek out at the streets. Before me, is a very beautiful girl with the prettiest red dress.

"Oh my~" I swoon.

Quickly, I step forward to rush to her, but I'm pulled back and thrown into a wall.

"Focus Sutcliff." Willy growls.

"Yes Willy.." I sigh at my missed opportunity.

William's POV:

I jump back onto the roof and scan the area. It's a very quiet night- wait. Why is it quiet, I'm with Sutcliff after all.

"What's got you so quiet- ugh, Sutcliff.." I facepalm when I see he isn't by my side.

Grell's POV:

"Sorry Willy" I laugh as I run in the direction I saw the girl from before.

"She can't be far now" I tap my chin with my index finger and hum in thought.

I look up and around and then I see it. I see that pretty red dress trail around a corner. I jump up and run across rooftops until I'm once again in front of her. I drop down, stopping her in her tracks as she squeaks at my sudden appearance.

"Ooh~! How precious!" I swing side to side, barely being able to contain myself.

"W-Who are you?" Her voice is just as delicate as before, laced with fear now.

"I am the one, the only! Grell Sutcliff!" I bow before the beautiful lady.

She stays quiet, eyes shining with fright and curiosity.

"I must say, you'd have to be as beautiful as.. Sebby-Chan"

Sebastian's POV:

"Oh my.."

"What is it Sebastian?"

"I don't quite know, I feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders"


Your POV:

My eyes move around as the woman- man- person dances before me. They're dressed in quite unusual attire. And is that- a chainsaw?!

"I'll be going now" I quickly rush off but I'm pulled back by them.

"Oh do not leave so soon my lovely lady! I haven't even learnt your name yet" they lean close to me, smirking slightly.

I find myself blushing, strangely, at them. It takes a few moments of hesitation before I finally decide to give them my name.

"I'm (Y-Y/n).." my eyes move to the ground.

"Ah, (Y/n).." their voice is more calm now, almost relaxing. "Why are you out this late?"

"Well my mother is sick and I was at her house helping her, now I'm on my way home-

"SUTCLIFF" I hear from the distance.

"Oh Willy why must you always ruin things for me!" And their voice is back to the way it was before, squeaky and loud.

"Who's.. Willy?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"The sexiest pain in the ass I've ever known!" They cross their arms and sigh.

I'm still trying to process this whole situation, I'm torn from my mental zone-out when the person grabs my face.

"I must ask to steal a kiss (Y/n)" their voice is calm once again

"A-A kiss?!" My eyes widen at their outrageous request.

"Just one.." they don't even give me a chance to answer before pressing their lips to mine.

I find myself unable to react but enjoying this slightly.

"Thank you (Y/n)" They say after parting.

Before I can say anything, they're ripped away from me by a man with glasses. Tall and slender, wearing all black, the man drags the person away while they yell about how unfair he's being.

Grell's POV:

I eventually give up on my resistance and think back to (Y/n).

"Ah how I hope to see her again in that pretty red dress.."

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