Warmth (Snake x Reader) (LEMON)

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WARNING: Sexual content and nosebleeds ahead!

I shudder as his hands run over my body. His lips are pressed against my neck, leaving delicate kisses along it. Our bare bodies are pressed together under the sheets.

"You give me warmth (Y/n)" He speaks to me in different way than he speaks to the others.

Special, he called me.

As my need builds up, he takes the hint and presses himself against my entrance. His hands run up my body and to my arms, up to my hands. Our fingers lock and he pushes in, our eyes closing at the pleasurable feeling.

"You're like no other.." he whispered as his hips worked against mine.

I run my hands up his back, finding them tangled in his hair as I bring myself even closer to him with a gentle push of my hips.

His hand moved down to my thigh, lifting it into the air and pushing it forward, while his hand rested on the bed for support.

Our breathing is slow but heavy as we move our hips against one another. My hands move from his hair to his face, brushing over the scales that decorate his skin.

Ugly, some would call them. I think they're beautiful.

"For so long I've wanted to call you mine" His lips move to my neck once again, his tongue gently and slowly running along it.

I moan out as he quickens his pace. He groans lowly into my neck and grabs my hips.

"I want you to use me. Use me for your pleasure" is all he says before rolling onto his back, his hands still grasping my hips.

Resting my hands on his chest, I move my hips in a circle slowly. His head tilts back and his eyes close.

"I give myself to you, just as you give yourself to me. I feel joy in this moment we share" his hand moves to the back of my neck, pulling me down into a passionate kiss.

This is how it is for awhile before he is sitting up as well. He pulls me into his lap and rests his forehead against mine. His hand guides his shaft back into me and we're once again, moving at a steady pace before the pace quickens again.

Our breathing is heavier and our grasp on each other is tighter than before.

"So close, my love" he whispers in my ear.

I find my moans increasing in volume before I let out one long, loud moan, a deep groan coming from him.

His hands rub up and down my back as we steady our breathing. Laying back, he pulls me close to him.

"Be my warmth forever, my love.."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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