the smallest mound

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Among the rows and rows of mounds there was a section of smaller mounds. And there in the front was the smallest mound. No bigger than a shoe box a mound of dirt littered with flowers and rocks marked the spot my child was laid to rest. My child who never had a chance to smile or laugh. The child I would never see grow into a man or woman. The child I didn't know about.

There aren't any more tears left in my body to shed and I stand over the mound with dry sobs. Octavia grabs my hand and holds it tight to remind me she is here and I squeeze back. It doesn't seem very long until everyone is around me, tears fall from their eyes. A strong hand is placed on my shoulder and Lincoln speaks in their native language giving a speech about what I'm guessing is the life not lived.

Aiden let's out a few sobs and he seeks comfort in Raven who pulls him to her side. "She's still out there, someone needs to find her." He sobs and Raven hushes him.

"He's right." I say as sternly as I can. Let's get going, Octavia will deal with the commander I'm going straight back to camp to get ready for tomorrow. "Everyone load up, Octavia will be there in a minute" I order and they take note that I would like a minute alone with my sister. "O, I need you to tell the commander what happened. She has the right to know why I didn't make it and she has the right to know about Clarke's previous condition and her current condition. I will tell Abby and Kane on my own as soon as I get to camp. Do not let everyone know what happened, tell the rest of the group to keep it a secret, if Clarke wants people to know she can tell them after we get her back. Same goes to the commander." I look away from the grave and up to her eyes. I wipe her tears and kiss her on the forehead. "I'm taking the horse. He'll be ready for you when you get back."

"See you soon big brother." She sniffles and hugs me. I squeeze her tight and walk over to the large brown horse tied to a tree. I run my hand down its body and hit huffs with pleasure. I untie the rope as the rovers drive away from the mountain.

"You ready boy?" I ask gently patting his cheek and he huffs again and stomps his feet. "Take me home." I tell him once I am seated on the saddle. I kick my heel and he takes off in a quick pace. I cant help but look for signs of my princess as I travel home. Every leaf and every pebble is scanned by my eyes just looking for any sign of her. My eyes are burning by the time I get back to camp,I must have not blinked the whole trip.

"Bellamy you should be with the Caravan what are you doing alone?" The guard asks as soon as I ride through.

"Have Dr. Griffin and Chancellor Kane meet me in the war room ASAP. I'll be there as soon as I put him up." I order patting the horse gently as he pants. "You did good boy." I whisper to him hopping down from his back. I walk him into the stable and take off his saddle and set him up with a bucket of oats and water and he neighs happily. "Octavia will be here for you soon. Be good." I say petting him once more before leaving.

I turn and move to leave the stable but Abby is blocking the exit with Kane running up behind him. She looks like she is about to break into tears and I stay in my spot. "Is she d-?" she cant finish the question and I shake my head. "Where is she?" she asks with her voice breaking.

"Lets go talk in private." I say and walk up to Abby putting my hand on the small of her back. She lets me guide her through camp and Kane opens the door for us to walk in. I sit her down in a seat and Kane takes his place behind her and puts a hand on her shoulder. I take my seat next to her and turn to look at her. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

"You can do it son." Kane says reassuringly and places his free hand on my shoulder. I look up to him and he nods to encourage me.

I take in a deep breath and I can feel new tears burning my eyes. "Clarke." I try to start but I start sobbing and Abby reaches over and grabs my hands. "Clarke was pregnant. She lost the baby, our baby." I sob uncontrollably again and after a moment Abby stands up to hug me. "She was in the mountain this whole time. She buried all of them and our child, I knew we should have went to the mountain to look for her." I cry into her torso and she rubs my back.

"We need to find her." she sniffles and I pull away to look up at her. Her eyes have rivers of tears coming from them but she gives me a soft smile. "She needs you now more than ever. You are the only person who can help her right now."

"Monty will fill you in on what we found in the mountain, I'm leaving first light tomorrow. I'll have Raven set me up with a long range transmitter. I'm sorry Abby." I say standing up.

"Don't be, it isn't your fault. It isn't anybody's fault. Go get some rest, you look like you need it." she hugs me tightly and her face leaves wet marks on my shirt.

Kane walks towards me after Abby releases me and he claps my shoulders with both hands and looks me straight in the eyes. "You'll find trails out there, some fresh and some old. You'll lose them and pick them up again. But always follow your heart, it will lead you to her." He shakes my hand and I nod in understanding


I left the trading post in the middle of the night, the woman helped me with more than stitching my wound and I felt bad for luring her in. I got what I wanted and took off as soon as she fell asleep. Outside were two men waiting by the door, I assumed they were looking for me. I snuck out the back easily and I have been walking since. The sun rises behind me as I travel lightly through the forest.

The early bird songs fill the air and I quietly work my way over and under tree roots. I look back to make sure I'm not leaving a trail and continue forward. There isn't anywhere specific I have in mind but to follow my feet that have led me everywhere I needed to be for the last three months. I make my way quickly through the forest until almost mid day. I'm back at the cliff, my feet stop me from walking straight off and I look up to see the shadows below.

Something inside me makes me turn around and barely visible is writing on a tree. I walk up to it slowly and blow off the dust and dirt that has gathered for what looks like just over a year. I run my fingertips over the sloppy carved letters. At the bottom is a name I haven't heard in a while. "Charollete" I whisper reading the signature out loud.

Then I remember someone telling me that she carves a note before she jumped off the cliff. I stare at the words not wanting to read them. The image becomes burned into my brain but the words are blurred. I can't find it in me to read the words that the little girl carved before she jumped to her death. The words she carved after murdering my bestfriend.

A snap behind me makes me turn sharply and I draw my blade. I still can't see what made the noise so I crouch. Whatever it is must see or smell me so as soon as I cut off the line of sight I take off. I sprint as fast as I can flying over the leaf covered ground.

Whatever it is, is still following me. I take another route and climb up a tree. The trees are close enough for me to jump across and I continue my retreat. Birds scatter from each tree only marking my location and I curse under my breath as I make my way as fast as I can.

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