A gift from a Prince

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We've been walking in circles for an hour just outside of polis and everytime I asked why he told me to be quiet. "I'm not going to move anymore if you won't tell me why you're stalling." I say sitting in the ground.

"Clarke, you need to be quiet and keep moving." He says attempting to pull me up but I jerk away. "There are ice nation warriors patrolling the area around polis looking for you. They are expecting someone to give you to the commander for the price she has put on your head. They're looking for good graces with the ice queen which is worth more than any amount of wealth. I need to take down at least one set of them to secure a way in."

"So you're giving me to the Commander, and she has plans to take my powers?" I ask laughing. "The bitch had her chance to kill me and she took it and it failed. What makes you think she'll have what it takes to do it in person?"

"I don't know what her plans for you are and that's none of my business." He reaches down and yanks me up hard. "If you could just help me out by being quiet and cooperate with me you won't have to show up in a puddle if your own blood."

"I'm not sure I still bleed, might be a power of mine." I say mockingly and walking forward. I make sure to make as much noise and as big of a trail as possible. "So why are you betraying the ice queen?"

"I'm not very fond of her politics." He grunts in annoyance. He helps over a fallen tree and then turns back to walking.

"There's got to be more than that because you're very determined to betray her rather than kill her." I say and when he stops for a second I know I hit the mark.

"I don't want to kill her just take her out of power. Life is precious Clarke, every life is. Yours, mine, that boy's, the queen's, every life has a meaning. You did what you had to do to save your people and I respect that but you took more lives than you saved. You Clarke are more trouble alive than dead and so I leave it up to the commander to decide your fate." He says nonchalantly as we continue our walk.

"Well then why don't we speed up the process? Put the bag back over my head and I'll scream and then they will come running. You hide I'll lay on the floor and when they approach me you jump them." I offer and he stops to loom at me. "I won't run off or anything, I'm just tired of walking in circles."

"Fine but if you do decide to run off I will catch up to you and I will kill you." He warns pulling the sack out.

"Now you're tempting me."I joke before he puts the bag over my head. "Let me know when you're ready."

I wait a moment for him to give me a signal of some kind but what happens instead is a knife is dragged down my back and I scream and fall to the ground. "Sorry but I need it to be convincing" the man replies and I hear him run off.

Seconds later I hear whispers from a couple of men and I lay as still as possible. When their footsteps get closer they speak a little louder. "She's still alive do you think it's Wanheda?" One asks in their language.

"If it's not we can have a little fun." Another one responds much closer than the other.

I hear their footsteps get closer until they're right in my ear. I strain against my urge to take them down and lay as still as possible. As soon as I feel a finger on the bag a wet thud fills the air. The man's body falls next to me and I hear the other man fall to the ground.

"Get up, they will wake up in a couple of minutes." The man says yanking me up. "And when they wake up they're gonna be pissed."

"You can go float yourself" I say once he pulls the bag off my head. "I'm going to need stitches, you could have gone a little lighter with the knife."

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