A man of Honor

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"While she isn't here would you like to talk about Clarke?" I ask Roan as I gently lay him on his bed. " I know Lexa's right, I've seen how you've looked at her recently."

"I don't want this to turn into a fight." He groans as he moves to make himself comfortable. "I do have affections for Clarke but none that I would act uppon, I respect your relationship with her. Sometimes I can be a man of honor."

"I won't tell her if you'd like." I sigh and he nods his head slightly to not cause too much pain. "Lexa is trying to tear us apart, why?"

"She knows that if we cannot stand together then she can break alliances that don't fit her plans whatever they may be. Soon she will call on me to bow to her and denounce my title as King, there can be no other but the Heda. If I don't have your support in my decision to remain King there will be a war, not just a war against me and the clans but you will be a prime target as well. Many still do not accept the sky kru as part of the coalition there will be an uprising, I have heard reports of a group who are against the coalition entirely and are outraged that the Sky kru are allowed to walk among us. The war would only give them the numbers they need to do some real damage, bringing Clarke was a gift for Lexa to allow me to talk to her about the group. I need to have a private meeting with only loyal coalition leaders and Lexa." He says starting to get out of breath from talking.

"I will tell Clarke and she will handle setting up the meeting, you need to get some rest for now. I will let you know when we are ready for you, I'll send a servant up here to tend to you and post guards at your door." I place a hand on his shoulder and he gives me a thankful smile. "Get well soon." I say looking back to him as I open the door and close it behind me.  I almost walk straight into Clarke who comes rushing through the hall. "Slow down Princess, where's the fire?"

"There's no fire." she replies my joke going straight over her head. "I was worried about you and Roan being alone together after what Lexa said, I didn't know what I would find." she looks at her feet embarrassed of her words.

I take her into my arms and pull her into a tight hug, "I know that there isn't anything between you two, I had a man to man talk with Roan and he clarified that there are no feelings between you two and that nothing happened. Even before that I knew there was nothing to worry about. I trust you Clarke, with my life, with my heart, and with my soul." I softly whisper in her ear as I hold her against me.

"Thank you." she sniffles against my shoulder. I grip her tighter just before releasing her and she looks at me with eyes wet with a few tears. I wipe them away gently and kiss her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too" I smile at her and lean down to kiss her remaining an inch away to leave her room to escape or to close the distance. She hesitates for a moment and then closes the distance. A short innocent kiss follows and my heart feels like it's about to pop out of my chest and my stomach flutters. Our shower together the other day was strictly to get clean, I was teased by her body standing naked inches from mine and I knew not to make a move. This is the first Kiss since I lost her and I can feel my world being lost in it. Once we part her blue eyes look straight into mine and they are brighter than I have ever seen them. My Princess is truly coming back to me. "I need to speak with you privately, we still have some business to take care of and you're not going to like what I just heard." I take her hand in mine and I lead her towards her chambers.


"I don't know how you are going to work this out with Lexa considering what just happened but this is something that needs to be taken care of immediately or we will have a war bigger than all of the others put together." I say pacing Clarke's chambers. She sits on the edge of her bed watching me as I go across the room and back over and over again. 

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