Hunting Wanheda

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I woke up before the sun even started to rise but I wasn't tired at all. I quickly get dressed and head straight to the war room. I make a list of everything I'll need, I'm not coming back without my Princess. I open the door and sitting at the table with her head in her hands is Abby. I take a quiet step inside but the sound of my boot step resonates on the metal floor and she wakes up.

"Good morning" she breathes in and fixes her hair.

"Good morning Chancellor." I say softly knowing she isn't in a good mood.

"I packed your things already. You have food for a week and a small pack for when you find her. I made a map book for you so you don't have papers floating all over your bag. Your weapons are in the corner." She informs me standing up. He joints crack and grind as she stands and I do my best not to grimace at the sounds. "If you ever need to come back to restock or to rest please do, I don't want to lose you out there too." She places a hand on my shoulder and pulls me into a hug. "You have become like a son to me Bellamy please take care of yourself."

"You knew I was going out on my own didn't you?" I ask in our embrace.

"Everyone knew. It was only a matter of time before you took off. I'm sure Octavia is waiting by the gate to say goodbye." She releases me and hands me a pack with a smaller one attached to the side. I grab my weapons and check ammo. My rifle and my hand gun are fully loaded with a few clips of ammo for both sitting next to them. I pack the extra ammo and puck up the dagger laying down. "In case you run out of ammo or you want to hunt." She says and I nod putting it in my belt.

"Thank you Abby" I say with a smile and pulling her in for another hug. "I'm coming back with your daughter. I promise."

"Be safe" she kisses my cheek and pats my shoulder.

"I will." I smile and walk out of the room. I try to walk as quietly as I can through the camp. The only people up are the cooks and the guards.  Just as Abby said Octavia is waiting by the gate by the gate with Lincoln. "Abby said you would be here."

"I knew my big brother wouldn't wait for anyone else to go with him and I don't blame you." she shrugs. "I told the guards to kick rocks so I can give you a proper goodbye." She hugs me as soon as I am in range and I pick her up in a tight squeeze. "Can't breathe" she chokes out and set her down and we both laugh.

"You two be safe and watch over everyone; this alliance is the only way we will make it through the winter." I say and Lincoln nods. I walk to him and shake his arm. He pulls me into a manly hug and I pat his back. "You protect my sister."

"With my life." he whispers back and we separate.  "Be safe out there, follow your instincts."

"I will. Say goodbye to Monty and Jasper for me." I smile at them and walk through the gate that Lincoln opens.  I tun back just as he starts to shut it and look at my sister one last time not knowing when I'll be back. "May we meet again" It can take hours or years to find my Princess and I won't come back empty handed. So much can change here at camp but home is wherever Clarke is. The gate shuts and my sister disappears behind it. I turn back to the forest and start my search.

Just as I take my first step I hear her shout. "May we meet again." it makes me smile and I know she waited  for the gate to close for me. A tear runs down my cheek knowing my little sister is grown up enough for me to leave her, she will only grow faster while I'm gone and I will miss it. I won't be there for her when she gets hurt or be there when she gets promoted. If this search lasts too long I won't be there when Lincoln proposes like I expect him too. I won't be there if she gets pregnant. I can only hope that I find Clarke in time to be back to see my sister grow up.

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