"My sword is yours"

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My mother, Kane, and Lexa come running towards Bellamy and I. If they find out about the plan I have they will make sure I don't leave their sight. I quickly grab Bellamy's hand and pull him close. I shush him when he tries to speak and obediently remains silent. "Where have you been?" My mother asks looking me from head to toe.

"Mom we needed some alone time." I reply and he face grows relaxed and then angry. "If you don't want to know then don't ask. I knew you would go straight to my room as soon as you got here so I needed to find somewhere else."

"That is the last thing you should be doing right before the ceremony." She starts a lecture dragging Bellamy and I behind her but I tune her out. I focus on my plan and go over it in my head multiple times. I look for anything that could go wrong and try to run a scenario through my head again. "Are you even listening to me?" She asks and I look up and nod.

"The ceremony will begin in a few minutes, go and check yourselves again before you need to be in your places. I need to change and Clarke you need to change as well. Armor is not what you will be wearing, I had a guard take a gown out of my wardrobe for you it should be in the third drawer on the left. It was placed there yesterday." Lexa states and starts to walk towards her chambers.

I tow Bellamy behind me still holding his hand and my mother gives me a small warning with her eyes. "Quick thinking" he whispers once we pass them and squeezes my hand lightly. "I miss this"

"Bell, I miss a lot of things" I reply with a sigh. Slowly we make it to my chambers and I find the dress Lexa was talking about and Bellamy helps me get dressed. "I'd rather go naked than wear this." I groan as he zips up the long flowing red dress.

"You look amazing." Bellamy says looking me up and down. "You still manage to take my breath away."

"Bell." I say sternly as he continues to drool over me. "Not right now." With everything going on and the fact that I'm still not completely back to normal his efforts are getting him nowhere. I appreciate his attempt but there is a war around the corner and I have a role to play.

"I'm sorry princess, let's get going." He smiles and opens the door for me. We walk through the building and towards the throne room. Guards bow to me as I walk past them and when I reach the throne room the guards kneel before opening the door. "It's only for the ceremony, you owe her nothing." He whispers and kisses me on the cheek before walking in before me.

I stand before the doors and wait for my cue to enter. The sound of a woman singing marks my entry and I slowly walk in. The leaders of every clan stand along an aisle and I take slow elegant strides towards Lexa who stand in a black version of my dress. Everyone but the leaders bow their heads to me as I walk past them and I look over to my mom, Kane, and Bellamy who all have their heads bowed. I stop in front of Lexa and glare at her. Only she can see my face and she knows how much I hate kneeling before her. I slowly go down to my knees and bow, pledging my allegiance to her. Everyone in the room but the ice queen and roan drop to their knees.

"Stand" Lexa says and walk towards me and offers her hand to help me up. I take it only because we are in front of everyone. "We are here to finalized the sky people joining our coalition. The leader of their people will bare our mark and they will become Sky Kru. Who shall be baring the mark of the coalition?" She asks and I turn to my group. After a quick conversation they all stand together and look at me.

"The honor is Wanheda's she is our true leader." Kane says and I nod to them.

The bald man I have learned to be Titus takes a prof out of coals and it smokes glowing red hot. He attempts to hide his smile and he approaches me. I give him my arm and he brands the symbol in my bicep. He presses hard and long, much longer than needed and I stand still. He removes the metal from my arm and the smell of burning flesh is powerful. This isn't the worst burn I've had but not moving was hard.

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