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I woke up before Clarke when Lincoln radioed me and I rushed to her balcony so it wouldn't wake her. An hour later I met the rover followed by Lincoln and Octavia on horse back. They all give me a hug before running off to the market that is already buzzing with activity. The grounder market is an excellent place to find make shift parts that are needed back at camp and of course that is exactly what Raven and Monty are off to look for. "Abby, Kane, I would like to speak to you in private I'll meet you in the med bay in a few moments, Octavia will escort you." I greet them and Octavia hands Lincoln the reins to her horse. They walk off quickly and Octavia walks behind them as close as possible without seeming like a bodyguard. "You have it?" I ask Lincoln and a big smile grows on his face and he hands me the small wooden box. "Thank you" I say taking the box from his hands and he pats my back and squeezes my shoulder.

"You're going to do great, they're going to say yes, Clarke is going to say yes. All you have to do is ask, everything will go perfect as long as you ask. Go talk to them and I will be here to help you plan the proposal after, I'll be at the stables." He doesn't drop his smile as he walks both of the horses towards the stables and I can feel my nerves start to build.

Every step that I take towards the med bay only makes my nerves grow even more and by the time I am outside the med bay my hands are sweating and shaking. I take a deep breath and just open the door but the moment my eyes land on Abby my moment of confidence is destroyed. "We heard about Lexa and Roan is this about that?" she asks and I look to my sister who nods and walks out of the room.

"Kind of" I laugh nervously I take a deep breath and swallow my nervousness. "Abby, I love your daughter, and I would do everything in my power to make sure she has a long and happy life and do as much as I can to make sure nothing will ever hurt her. I know I have failed time and time again but I swear that I have done my best but I know I can do better, become better, and that I will do all these things because your daughter deserves the best." I start and she looks at me with the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face. "I'm here to ask for your blessing to ask for Clarke's hand in marriage, and not just you but also yours Kane. For the last few months you have been more of a father figure and I know that you think of her as your daughter so I would appreciate your blessing as well."

"Bellamy you have done more than I could ever ask for you to do for my daughter and I couldn't think of anyone else I would want to marry my daughter. You have my blessing." Abby replies with tears running down her face but still with a big smile.

"I greatly appreciate you considering me and asking me for my blessing even though I have no real right over whether or not you have blessing to marry Clarke, I give you my blessing and my best of wishes for your life together. Son you have become a man before my eyes and I couldn't be more proud of you." Kane replies and he walks up to me pulling me into an embrace. I can feel tears well up in my eyes.

"Thank you so much" I sob into his shoulder and I can feel Abby's arms wrap around my side joining the hug. "I'm not used to people being proud of me."I sob again not able to control my emotions. I'm too emotional to be embarrassed about crying in front of them. I grew up without a father to teach me how to be a man, without someone telling me that I am someone to be proud of. For years no one to call me 'son' even as a term for endearment. "This means so much to me."

"I know, you don't have to say it." he whispers. "You are an amazing man with an amazing heart, your mother would be proud just as Abby and I are. Bellamy Blake you are a good man." I sob even harder and they both hold me tighter. "Now son you need to get yourself together because I don't think you want to walk out there with swollen eyes. You have my support with everything and I will be here to help you any time you need it."

Black Blood, Green EyesWhere stories live. Discover now