heart attack

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I pull Clarke's chair out at the table and push it in after she sits. She looks up to my face and her eyes thank me. I bow down to her level and kiss her forehead gently so I don't mess up her war paint. I take my seat next to her and look up to see both Abby and Kane staring at us. They haven't seen Clarke so normal since we got her back, every second Abby stares at Clarke trying to burn every inch of her in memory like this is the last time she will see her.

"We need to discuss what will happen if Lexa loses the fight" Kane says breaking the silence, he pushes his plate aside to bring out a notebook and pen. "The new commander isn't decided yet and our only confirmed loyal night blood is Aiden."

"No, every nightblood has sworn allegiance to Skykru." Clarke corrects him. "Our only worry is if the new commander can control the coalition. Lexa is the only one in history to unite the clans, there aren't strong enough ties between them to make the coalition unbreakable. The new commander will have to rally the people against something or for something to keep the peace and it has to be huge."

"The only thing I could see them all rallying around would be killing us." Abby whispers and I look over to see Clarke's reaction. She looks calm and collected from the chest up but looking down I can see her hand in fists under the table and her legs moving slightly.

"We will find something, for now let's see to it that Lexa wins and that the nightbloods are making good connections with the calm leaders while they are here." Clarke says between bites.

"We will meet at the fight?" Abby asks and Clarke replies with a nod. "Try and stay out of trouble, don't go anywhere near Roan or any ice nation."

"I was going to go give Lexa a pep talk and Bellamy is going to go check on Aiden." Clarke lies and her mother falls for it.

"We will see you at the fight." Kane says with a worried look. He knows we are up to something, he will most likely keep Abby busy all day with random tasks to help us but we can't rely on just him to keep her busy.

"Abby do you think you could get the med bay here ready for after the fight? If Lexa wins she will most likely need to be patched up. " I call after her standing up.

"Good idea, I'll have a room prepared for anything from bandaging to operating." She nods and they turn to walk away. "That will only keep her busy for so long, be careful Princess. " I say turning to Clarke and she nods determinedly and stands.

"Make sure nothing happens to Aiden. He could be a target for the ice nation." She says hugging me before going off to see Roan. I squeeze her tightly and watch as she walks out of the dinning area. People lower their heads as she passes and a silence takes place while she moves until she leaves the building.


I walk through the dinning area and I keep my eyes to the ground as people lower their heads recognizing my presence, their conversations stop making my path as silent as death. I walk out of the building and grab a cloak off of a rack just outside the door. I slip it on easily draping the hood over my face making it impossible to identify me. I walk through the markets easily and people no longer bow their heads as I walk by. It's calming to be able to walk among them like I did at first, I occasionally get bumped into or cut off which only adds to the calming feeling. I wind my way through the masses to reach the courtyard where Roan is training. 

I stay next to a cart full of hay and watch as he wields his sword with practiced hands. The sharp blade cuts the air with the distinct swoosh sound and he blocks invisible strikes while he moves around the courtyard. no one stays to watch for very long as he preforms his deadly dance, he makes his way closer to me and I sink in to the cart trying to make myself invisible. his back is towards me one second and the next his sword is at my throat. "Is that death stalking me?" he asks and I remove my hood and his sword drops. "Its just the Commander of it. What are you doing here?"

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