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"No I'm not with him because he is attractive." I laugh answering Roan's question as to why I'm with Bellamy. "I think that after everything we have been through we have built a bond that can't be compared to any other. We have saved each other, fought against and for each other, through each other we found ourselves."

"I had a partner that I shared a bond like yours with." Roan sighs moving his food around his plate.

"What happened to them?" I ask gently and he looks up from his plate with sad eyes.

"I killed her. She was loyal to Lexa and I had no choice but to fight for my mother. I didn't know it was her on the battlefield, she had different armor on that I have never seen, I sent my arrow flying and it wasn't until I went up to finish the job that I saw her face. It was the only time I cried on the battlefield, and I wept for days. My heart and my child gone because of me, if she would have told me she was carrying my child I wouldn't have let her fight." his eyes look glazed over and distant. I reach out and gently place a hand on his shoulder. His eyes move to mine and he cups my hand in his, "We all have our own battles, some deal with theirs better than others."

"You have been doing well." I smile softly at him. "You could have gone down worse paths."

"Like you?" he asks softy knowing his words sting no matter the way of delivery. "Completely lost yourself, missing for months, killed so many people including children." he starts to list and I wince with every word. "But you have done what most cannot, you came back from that, how?"

"Bellamy." I reply simply. "Even when I no longer know who I am he does, he showed me not how to be the old me but to be the real me. He sees me for who I really am and not what others or I think I am. If it wasn't for him I would have probably gotten myself killed on purpose."

"You are lucky to have him behind you." he sighs and looks to the door. "Someone is listening." he whispers and props himself up on his elbow. "Enter now or face death!" he calls out and the door slowly creaks open.

"I heard my name and couldn't help but listen." Bellamy admits looking at his feet.

"How long were you standing there?" I ask and he finally looks up.

"Not long, we have a situation on our hands." he says and closes the door behind himself. "Lexa requested that the tree of us are present for the examination and preparation of Nia's body. Clarke, she asked for you specifically to preform the examination" 

"Roan isn't ready to move, he lost a lot of blood. What kind of face did she make when she was talking to you?" I ask starting to worry.

"I don't know one eyebrow slightly higher than the other, the left corner of her mouth was scrunched and her eyes seemed to stare into my soul."he shrugs and my stomach drops.

"She knows, she makes that face when there is something bothering her. We have to go and try to explain it to her, all of us. Do you have your radio?" I ask  Bellamy and he reaches to his belt and hands it to me as fast as he can. "Raven come in."

"Go for Reyes." her voice replies with a hint of static and worry.

"I need you to make me a wheel chair or something to move someone easily without requiring too much effort from them." I start and I look over to Roan who is shaking his head, "Hold that thought." I say release the button. "What is it?" I ask Roan and his eyebrows sink deeper into his eyes.

"If the people see me weak like this they will lose their respect for me, and being a King for a short amount of time will only add to it. If I go out like that I will be attacked within the week." he grunts.

Black Blood, Green EyesWhere stories live. Discover now