Follow Your Heart

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I started at the mountain but the only sign she was there was the graveyard. I walked the area around multiple times without finding any kind of track I can follow. I took a moment to calm myself and looked down to the ground. Next to my foot ,almost crushed, is a flower. A small lonesome flower sprouting out of the ground.

The small white petals had a tinge of pink towards the center and it looked to beautiful to be all alone on a path. I kneel down and dig up the whole thing. The roots weren't that big meaning it is just a baby. I quickly walked back to the graveyard and stopped in front of the smallest one.

My eyes watered as I knelt again but this time I was planting the flower where it belonged. There on my child's grave now sits a lonely flower that I saved. I open my canteen and water it as much as it needs and stand back up. "So you have a friend" I whisper to the mound and turn away.

I look up to the sky trying to hold back the tears and the wind shifts direction. Something inside me tells me to follow the wind and my heart pulls me in its direction. I let myself be pulled and my feet walk faster than I am telling them too. Before I know it I am running full pace and I have no idea where I am going. The closer I get to wherever i am going my heart beats ten times faster. Then I notice the area I am in, we are close to the ridge where Charlotte  died. It takes all the control I have in my body to slow down my pace. 

There standing, staring at a tree is my Princess, her hair is tinged red and she is too skinny to be healthy and she looks soulless, her face isn't scrunched up in concentration or intrigue as it usually does when she looks at something for too long. She blankly stares and I stand absolutely still. I watch her for what seems like forever until I move to take a step but off to the right of me a twig snaps. I draw my weapon and watch as someone dashes by chasing after my princess who disappeared in a flash. 

I follow as fast as I can behind the person with my pack slapping against my back and high roots reaching up to trip me. I almost run into the person as they stop to look up to the trees. I move to tackle them while I still have the element of surprise and momentum in my favor. I smack into him hard and we hit the floor. I grapple with him on the floor and he uses his weight advantage over me. I get an elbow to the face and I can feel the blood gushing out of my nose. 

The sounds of birds flapping starts to disappear and I try to focus on the direction the sound goes but it lets the man get another hit to my face. I start to get mad at the person who ruined my chance of getting my Princess back. In fury I find the strength to push him off of me and I quickly straddle him pinning his hands down and leaving them defenseless. I rear back and punch as hard as I can and his mask flies off to reveal a man I've never seen before but he doesn't have any markings that I'm familiar with.

"What do you want with that girl?" I ask Holding my hand in punching position.

"I think a better question is what you want with that girl." he smirks. "Bellamy Blake from Sky Kru what do you want with that woman? You don't the powers she posses and she doesn't carry your child, so why are you going after her?" His light eyes stare into mine without fear or a sign of anything but curiosity. I am too surprised by his question and the fact that he knows who I am to catch him sliding the dagger out of my belt. When I realize what is happening it's too late and a searing pain in my leg makes me roll off of the man.  All I can do is watch as the long haired man gathers his things and runs in the direction the sound of the birds. 


I wait in a tree until someone below runs past me. They're covered in blood but he runs as if he isn't injured, that means there was more than one person chasing me. I debate whether or not I want to go back to investigate who else was after me and decide to remain in the tree for a while longer knowing the other person can't get anywhere fast based on the amount of blood. 

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