back and forth

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I wince as the sound of a gong initiates the fight between Lexa and Roan, they both swing their weapons showing off skill and intimidating one another and she takes an offensive stance. Roan glances in my direction and I slightly nod my head and he takes up his defense. Every step Lexa takes he counters keeping a safe distance from her. A small twitch of Lexa's hand on her sword signals she is getting impatient and Roan notices, she leaps forward sword first and he easily deflects it. She tries again and he counters hitting her stomach with the hilt of his sword, the crowd takes it as a taunt but I know what his plan is. After catching her breath Lexa strikes again drawing blood from Roans arm, my heart drops when I see her sword glisten red in the setting sun but he shows no sign of pain.

I count the minutes as they fight, deadly strikes being made by both opponents, the sound of metal hitting metal and the noise of people who think their leader is about to die at any moment. I glance at Nia and I can spot signs of the poison starting to work, she looks pale and her lips are turning a slight blue. She isn't taking in enough oxygen because her heart is failing to supply blood to her lungs, but she is too proud to show any sign of weakness. I turn to the fight again to watch as Lexa un-arms Roan.

I can feel my heart pounding out of my chest when she steps over him, I glance between her and him, he looks at me knowing that it is my fault he is about to die. She raises her sword and he stares into my eyes and I stare back. I can see behind him as Nia stands ready for her son's death but a swift movement and shine of light makes everyone go completely quiet. Lexa's sword pins Nia's chest to the back of her seat as blood dribbles down the corner of her lip.

"The ice queen is dead!" She proclaims "Long live King Roan!" She offers him her hand and he takes it. Both of them stare at each other covered in blood, sweat and dirt the exchange a nod and I run out to Roan as my mom goes to Lexa.

"I guess a heart attack wasn't flashy enough for Lexa." He whispers and I tend his major wounds. "I wish I would have known Lexa was going to do that, I could have lived without planning my mother's death."

"And I could have lived not risking my life again for our people." I reply putting pressure to a large gash on his chest as we walk to his chambers. "Will your people call for revenge?"

"Only loyal warriors of hers but they will be taken care of immediately." he hisses as I push harder with every step.  "I am glad our plan didn't work, I would have felt horrible."

"Sometimes we have do things we will regret for our people, its part of the job." I smile sadly at him as we continue our way to my chambers. "Just try and not to talk while we walk, I want you to only focus on regulating your breathing, you're still breathing heavy."

"You are too used to the horrible parts of life." he coughs and leans against me as we walk. "You shouldn't be so cold when taking a life, all life is precious"

"I do what I have to." I reply taking him through the doors of my chambers. I lay him on my bed and start to rip open his clothes that cover his wounds. I place his hand over the pad on his chest and turn back to grab my med bag. "Keep that pressure on your chest." I say scrambling through the bag for alcohol and my suture kit.  I get back to the bed and he looks paler than I left him, "I'm going to sterilize your wound, its going to burn." I say taking the pad off and dousing his wound before he can reply.

"Damn woman." he groans in pain, "Why warn me if you're going to just do it out of nowhere?"

"I thought you were tough." I scoff and start wiping away the blood and liquor. "The king of the ice nation can't handle a little burning?"

"I can handle much more than you." he hisses back and clenches his jaw as I start to stitch his wound. "But you know that, you are trying to distract me from the pain."

Black Blood, Green EyesWhere stories live. Discover now