Chapter 7

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"Do you Jayde take John to be your lawful wedded husband?" It had been a year since Jayde and Johnny eloped in Vegas. They decided to have a wedding after the birth of Steven for their friends and families. They included Steven, Lily and Jack in the wedding ceremony. It was a small wedding party but they had invited Steven Tyler, Alice Cooper, Keith Richards, and Joe Perry along with Jayde's squad.

"I do".
"Do you John take Jayde to be your lawful wedded wife?"
"I do".

After sharing their first kiss as husband and wife, everyone cheered. At the reception, Joe gave a toast to the married couple. "I've known Johnny for longer than I can remember. When I met Jayde, I remember thinking 'this girl's got something about her'. I've watched her grow up to be the woman she is today and over the years I've watched her and Johnny. When we started our band, she became our biggest fan. Now we're here at their wedding and I got to say, you guys deserve each other".

It was then Fin got up and Jayde covered her mouth. Joe gave him the mic. "For those who don't know me, my name is Fin. I met Jayde the first time she came into the precinct. I knew right away that she was special. I remember thinking to myself, this girl is crazy. One time she ate an entire medium sized pizza for $15. Ever since her first day at svu, there is never a day where she doesn't have a smile on her face, even on our toughest cases. Usually you can tell if she's in the building by her laugh or if she's arguing with Carisi. I just wanted to say on behalf of the squad, congratulations to Jayde and Johnny". Jayde got up and gave him a big hug.

"Both Jayde and I wanted to thank you all for coming. When I first asked her to marry me, I knew that she was the only person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. At first she must have thought I was joking but she agreed. She is and always will be, my best friend and 'my Jayde'. I knew I wanted to marry her when she came out to one of our concerts. Our friend Anthony said to me, 'John, you're not getting any younger. Get her and marry her'. Anyway, thank you all for coming".

After eating, she went over to the squad to talk to them. "Congratulations! It was a beautiful ceremony", Olivia told her.
"It was", Rafael said agreeing.
"Oh thank you! I'm glad you all made it!"
Lily came over to Jayde and she introduced her to everyone. "This is my step daughter, Lily. This is my squad: Olivia, Fin, Sonny, Amanda and Rafael". Everyone said hi to her.

Later Steven came up to her as she was talking to Sonny and Fin. "What a great wedding, doll. Thanks for inviting me!"
"Of course! Oh by the way, Steven. I want you to meet two of the coolest guys I work with. This is Fin and Sonny".
He shook their hands. "Nice to meet you both!"
Sonny looked at him star struck and this made Fin and Jayde laugh.
"I know you've been waiting a year, but here is Steven Vincent Anthony", Johnny told his friends as he brought his son over.
"He looks just you", Alice Cooper noticed.
"I can't believe you guys named him after us", Joe said.

It was then she got pulled into her and Johnny's first dance as husband and wife. She pulled him close and he kissed her making her smile. "I love you, Mrs. Depp".
"I love you, too Mr. Depp". He twirled her around and everyone stopped to watch her. Tears of joy came down from her eyes. Johnny wiped them away with his finger. "You're so beautiful", he told her. She gave him a kiss before pulling apart to dance with their guests.

Rafael came up to her and asked to dance. She smiled at him. "Of course". He put his hand on her hip and the other on her shoulder. "So, Mrs. Depp..."
She laughed at this. "Yes, Mr. Barba".
"You look beautiful! Thanks for inviting me".
"You're welcome. I'm glad you came". They danced until the end of the song. She could hear Steven crying for her so she went over to where Lily was trying to dance with him. "He's probably tired", she told her. "It's been a long day for him". She picked him up and Lily wiped his tears away. Steven put his head on his mother's shoulder. She brought him to the dance floor and she danced with him to calm him down.
Sonny came over to her. "He's tired", she told him. Sonny tried to make him smile but Steven pouted before crying again.
"Dude, you made the kid cry", Fin told him.

After awhile, the reception winded down and their guests started coming over to say congratulations and goodbye. "Thank you again for coming", she told them. Steven had fallen asleep in his mother's arms. His little face had tear stains from crying. Johnny came over and took him from her. "I got him".

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