Chapter 73

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Jayde was on her iPad googling the steps she and Rafael would have to take to get remarried. They were still legally divorced but now years later, they were planning to get married. So far, her search had been fruitless. She set her iPad down on the bed and Rafael looked at her. "What's going on, cariño?"
"I can't find anything on getting remarried".
He smiled. "I guess since we're technically divorced, I doesn't matter anyway".
She snuggled beside him. "That's probably true".
He laughed to himself as he rolled on top of her. She laughed as she ran her fingers through his dark black hair. He smiled then kissed her. "I remember the first time I fell in love with you".
"Oh, really?"
He laughed to himself again. "You came in late and you had your hair in a ponytail. I remember that your wrist was wrapped up. I thought you had hurt yourself but you told me that you had just got another tattoo. You were so excited to show me".
Jayde laughed as she tried to figure out which tattoo he was talking about. "It was probably my cross tattoo".

He took her wrist and looked at her tattoos. "How many do you have?"
She laughed. "I don't even remember. I got my first one when I was 16".
He perked his eyebrows. "16?!"
"I got it for my birthday with my friends and their older sister. It's on my rib cage and it says 'You make me beautiful'. My parents didn't notice it for months". He smiled. "I have a friendship tattoo that I got with Johnny. It's this one", she showed him her Roman numeral three tattoo on her wrist. "It's our favorite number. I think his is on his hand".
"I don't think I could get tattoos. I'd probably wimp out".
She laughed. "They hurt like hell but they're so addicting. I have a tattoo of Africa that I got after I spent my 21st birthday there".
"You went to Africa for your birthday?!"
She laughed again. "Not specifically for my birthday. I went with a mission trip. We went to Kenya and helped build a school".
He looked at her impressed. "That is just great. I've never been out of New York".

"I've been all over. Someday we should go to Mexico and go to one of the beaches. Just me and you".
He smiled. "If you can get me out of my office".
"I'm sure Carmen can take care of things for a week".
He laughed to himself. "I'm sure she can".
"I think I fell in love with you the first time I shadowed for you in court. You knew what you were doing".
He smiled. "Sometimes, cariño. I wonder if I know what I'm doing".
She smiled and he kissed her again. "I love you so much".
"I love you too".

He kissed her and she ran her fingers through his hair again. He looked at her then he moved his lips to her neck. "I want you, Rafi", she whispered. He smiled and he knew he could have her. He moved his hands up her shirt and took it off after pulling it over her head. He then went to her undershirt and he unclasped it. She moaned as his hands massaged her breasts. She removed his shirt and he got up and took it off then got back on top of her. They removed his pants and he threw them on the floor. She smiled as he continued going down her body. He took his time going down as he examined her body. She moaned loving him on her body. He got down to her opening and he opened her legs. She started getting wet with anticipation.

He started going in and out of her with his fingers. She grasped ahold of his hair and moaned. He smiled as he gradually got harder and faster. "You're so wet for me", he told her. She bit her lower lip as she grabbed the headboard of the bed. She moaned. "That feels so good. Don't stop". He smiled as he went faster and deeper inside her. She threw her head backwards on the pillows as she came on his hands. He came back up and got back on top of her. Her whole body was wet for him. She removed his boxers and he came in between her legs. He kissed her as he started moving inside her.

She moaned as his lips went back to her neck. His hands went to her breasts and he massaged them. She wrapped her legs around him and he smiled as he sat up making her straddle him. He put his hand behind her head as the other went to her hip. She started moving rubbing their hips together. He groaned. "Keep going, cariño". Her hands went down his front as she examined his body. She kissed him then moaned as she continued riding him. She started going faster and deeper. "I love the way you ride me", he groaned. She went faster and deeper making him smile. His hands went to her back and he pressed his fingers into her skin.

"I'm almost there", she moaned. He kissed her as they worked to their release. Her fingers went back to his hair and she grasped it as he came inside her. She gasped as she felt him come. He kissed her deeply. She got off of him and she laid down beside him. Her body was wet from sweat and he turned towards her. She put her head on the pillow. "That was great, cariño", he told her. She smiled. "I thought you would like that".

They laid in bed for the rest of the afternoon until they felt their stomachs get hungry. The kids were either with Sonny or with Rafael's mother. Jayde got up and got dressed. She could tell he was watching her. He got up and put his boxers back on then went over to her. She laughed as she put her arms around him. He kissed her then looked at his clothes. "You seriously don't have very many casual clothes", she told him as she pulled a shirt over her head. He laughed as he chose a polo shirt.

After ten minutes, they exited their apartment and started walking down the street. His arm was over her shoulder and she looked at him. He kissed her cheek smiling. She laced her fingers through his as they walked. They came across a bar and they decided to go inside. It was crowded since it was a Saturday night evening. They chose a table away from the drunken college kids. A waiter came over and handed them their menus then took their drink orders. It was then they saw someone they didn't want to see.

Rafael looked at her wondering if she saw her too. "Maybe if we don't move, she won't see us". He laughed. "And if she comes over?"
"I'm sure I can think of something sarcastic to say".
This made him laugh again. "Remember when you confronted her outside the courthouse? That was great".
Jayde laughed. "That was amateur. I can think of something better".
"Something better? Like what?"
She thought. "I'm not sure yet but I'm sure I can think of something".
"Well maybe one of those college kids will distract her".
She laughed. The waiter handed them their drinks then took their food orders then left.

"Oh, shit. I think she saw us", Jayde told him.
He looked and shook his head as she came over to them. She covered her mouth laughing. "Oh my god".
Rita looked at her wondering what she was laughing at. "Rita, what a surprise", Rafael told her. Jayde tried not to smile. "Just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me. I am seriously so grateful", she told her in a southern accent.
Rafael looked at her and tried not to laugh. Rita nodded then left. When she was out of earshot, they started laughing. "Was that immature?"
He shook his head. "That was great".
She raised her glass. "To Rita Calhoun".
Rafael smiled as he clinked his glass with hers. "To Rita".

Their food came over and they started eating. They saw that she was going to sit by them and they decided to ignore her. "So, Mexico. We should go next Christmas break. Then I could get you out of your office".
He smiled. "Maybe. Ya veremos. How about you? I don't think I could tear you away from your kids".
She laughed. "Good lord. I didn't even think of that. I'd probably worry about them and then feel bad I can't be there when theirs an emergency". She took a bite of food. "I'd probably have to have Liv take care of them while I'm gone".
He smiled. "I don't think she could take care of your kids and the squad".
"Maybe we could go after we're old and retired".

"I'm already old, cariño".
"You're not old. You're only like 9 years older than me. Old is Steven Tyler or Alice Cooper".
He laughed again and he nodded. "68 years old, wow. What are you going to be doing at that age?"
She thought. "Probably still bickering with you". She took a bite of her food.
He nodded and smiled. "And probably Carisi".
"Good lord. I'm always going to be bickering with him. Mostly because he's fun to argue with, especially when he knows I'm right but won't admit it".

When they were done eating and paid their bill, they walked out. She took ahold of his arm. They walked around Central Park. "I think that went better than we expected".
She smiled. "We survived being in the same building as Rita Calhoun. Congratulations to us".
He laughed. They walked around for awhile then decided to go back home.

Promise me you'll always be happy by my side. I promise to sing to you when all the music dies. - Train

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